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It's been yet another crazy week here at OPR, and I want to tell you all about it, but before we begin please make sure to vote on the game jam submissions: https://itch.io/jam/oprgj2/entries

We got a lot of very interesting submissions this time around, and if you'd like to try out the game for yourself and maybe play a match with the actual designers, then make sure to check out the game jam section on our discord: discord.gg/djBydgk

Alright, moving on!

Gang Wars Early Draft

Over the past few weeks I've been messing around with Gang Wars a lot, playing some test games, putting the system under stress, and generally mucking about with a lot of crazy ideas for new game content.

All of these ideas were just scribbles on a piece of paper until now, but today I actually started putting them into a shareable PDF. Honestly somehow I always forget how long it takes me to transcribe ideas from paper to computer, so even though I hammered away at it for a few hours I didn't get very far.

What you can find right now is an incomplete table of contents, which should give you a rough idea of what's coming, as well as the first half of the campaign rules with some brand new hero skill traits.

The basic structure of Gang Wars campaigns is going to be the same as in regular GFF campaigns, however everything around them is going to be enhanced. I think that especially the Territory Control rules are going to be a great addition to the formula, and with 12 new missions it's going to be pretty awesome!

For those of you with keen eyes, you might have spotted that some of the stuff in the table of contents might be familiar, so let me clarify. We are taking 3 sections from the Full Rulebook and are going to include them in Gang Wars, simply because we think that they fit thematically, and there is no reason to re-invent the wheel here.

The sections are: Multi-Player Games, City Fighting and Critical Hits

Everything else that is going to be added to Gang Wars will be brand new, and there's even some sections that are going to be added which aren't even on the table of contents yet, so there's something else you can look forward to.

Check it out here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/43388556

Nomad Ships & Production Update

As you can see from the renders added to this post, the Nomads Fleet ships have been fully modeled, and you can look forward to this slick fleet in this month's release!

Unfortunately however, we have some sad news when it comes to the production of our next 3 fleets, which might affect the original release schedule.

Danny has run into some difficult times and is having to deal with important personal issues, and because of that he won't be able to fully concentrate on the creation of new 3D models in the foreseeable future.

This means that the production is going to slow down, and we might only be able to release a new fleet every 2 months instead of every month, however it might also mean that maybe we will have to stop production of the ships altogether at some point.

I've been in close contact with Danny for the last couple of weeks, and really wish all the best for him in these hard times. I know this is not the news you guys wanted to hear, but I fully support Danny in his decision, and the creation of 3D models is really not a priority right now, so I told him to take however long it takes him to create them.

We're going to keep you up to date with the development of this situation as it unfolds, and we won't be adding new fleets to our new release schedules unless their production has already been fully completed and we can guarantee their delivery.

New Renders

In some better news, we now have most of the renders for all of the November models ready, and are only missing the Giant Statue to complete the set.

As soon as all of the renders are done we're gonna make some nice group shots and big banners to spread around the internet. We're really looking forward to seeing these armies completed, and are very excited about more future armies to come!

If you don't want to always hunt down these posts to see the latest status of our renders, we always keep this post up to date with everything, so you can just check there instead: https://www.patreon.com/posts/43648713

Prime Head + Horseman Sword

Finally, in a weird turn of events, it seems that there were some small mistakes with a few of the models from the September release, so we thought it's best to let you know.

It seems that the artist gave us the wrong head model for the Prime Warrior hero, instead providing us with just a regular Hive Warrior head, as the Prime Warrior head is supposed to have a much bigger horn than the regular guys.

Unfortunately we only spotted this now, but don't worry, the files have already been updated in MMF, so you can grab them now!

For the new Skeleton Horseman that was added we noticed that there was no left-handed sword option, so it wasn't possible to make a full squad of Sword Horsemen.

This has also been fixed, and you can already find the new sword file on MMF now!




Wishing all the best to the ship modeler, and personally will not complain about delays to the ships. Sometimes the best decisions are hard, but gotta focus on the important things first and foremost.