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This week I've been still working on setting up a lot of background company business straight, but also I've had a chance to work on some games and get a couple more things moving.

For the 3D models, this week we've added previews of the new Ravenous Beasts as well as the Nomads Fleet. There's also a more advanced WIP shot of the Carnivo-Rex, and for our September supporters we're also adding spear options for the Skeleton Warriors (note that if you bought them in our MMF store then you'll also get the new spear options for free).

For the 2D models, we've got a very early preview of the Machine Cult for you, showing a Machine Priest, Ranger, Vanguard, Shock Priest and Sect Infiltrator. These are coming out pretty great, and we think they'll look really awesome once they're colored!

Moving on to game updates, we've got a pretty important FTL update with v1.1, which will be released to the public this Friday.

This update serves to address lots of balance issues across the board, making shooting overall a bit more reliable, and nerfing ramming to be less deadly. Overall we think this is a step in the right direction balance wise, but we'd like to remind everyone that the game is still in Early Access, so there may be bigger changes in the future.

Here's the full changelog:

Core Rules

  • Lowered number of objectives to D3+1
  • Lowered the Eva and Def value of all units by 1
  • Re-worked ramming to deal max. 2 damage
  • Blast range increased to 4"
  • Tsunami Cannon now has Ran 12" and Acc 2
  • Re-named weapon upgrades with "Turret" in them to avoid confusion

Full Rulebook

  • Re-worked the Breakthrough mission to be more achievable


  • Clarified that Gravity Traps are placed when activated
  • Clarified that System Overrider is for a single activation


  • Baryon Guns now have Acc 6
  • Neutron Cannons now have Acc 6 and Str 2


  • Spike Launchers now have Acc 4 and Str 2

Something that we should discuss before we go any further is the current situations of the game's core engine running on 2D6, which I'm not 100% satisfied with. When I set out to make this game, I wanted it to be a very accessible and fun game to play for newcomers and veterans alike, and I'm not sure that the 2D6 system cuts it anymore.

Whilst I think it definitely makes for an interesting take on space combat for veteran players, I'm finding that newer players are not having as much fun with the system due to the amount of math that is required when playing it. This comes down to the way that the 2D6 system works and the level of abstraction that it brings to the game.

I already played around with a D6 version whilst the game was early in development, and had originally decided to switch it to D6 for those reasons, but then convinced myself that sticking with 2D6 would make for a more innovative game. Whilst that may be true, I'm not sure that it makes for a more fun game anymore, and as such am considering to change the game back to D6 again.

This is of course going to take a lot of careful thought, design work and play testing in order to get right, and I have no intention of switching to D6 if I don't feel that it actually helps me achieve my original vision with the game. 

In any case, whatever we do, we'll keep you posted. :)

Gang Wars Cover Art

Last but not least, the development of Gang Wars is slowly treading along, and this week we manged to put the cover art together, which looks pretty damn awesome!

Gameplay wise I'm still at the early stages of development, because after jumping in and doing some work on the expansion, I realized that I needed more inspiration, and so I'm currently digging through lots of skirmish game rules new and old, looking for systems that I think will fit the concept and that overall inspire me to add something cool.

As soon as I've got something more concrete to show you I'll make sure to post it, but overall I'm pretty excited about the possible things we'll be having in this expansion, and the new art is really pushing me to do more with it.

Anyway, without further ado, here is the cover art:




Would a D10 system work for FTL? It allows for more variability in rolls and stats. Potentially more swing in results, however.


We have no intentions of using anything other than D6 in our games because of how readily available they are and how familiar new players are with them. :)

Larry Irish

Wow, I love the look of the Alien Hive minis. I never bought any Raveners as the design never appealed to me. These... nice! ❤️ Re: the Carnivo-Rex - is it the "double-tongue" mini? If it's to represent the GW Carnifex I'd expect the limbs to be more dangerous rather than for movement.


Do you guys plan on making a list builder for GF and AoS similar to the one created for FTL?