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First off, take the 2D print poll: https://www.patreon.com/posts/43255786

Ok, now let's move on to the good stuff!

Arena Games Updates

Today we're releasing the first beta version of the Arena Warband Creator, which should hopefully be updated in the coming days to be more feature complete.

Right now it has everything you need to create a warband from scratch, whilst using all of the assets from other warbands. In the next version we're going to add 3 sets of assets for different types of warbands (melee, ranged, hybrid), and once you have those you'll have a ton of ways to customize and create your own factions!

We're also really happy to announce that the warband assets for the Orcs have been added to the AoFA S02 file, and it's a really fun faction that leverages crits to destroy the enemy.

Get the files here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/34546818

FTL Updates

Right now we're working on re-balancing the core of FTL a bit, generally making damage from shooting a little more reliable, whilst nerfing ramming so it doesn't break the game.

We've had some really good feedback on FTL so far, and if you haven't tried it out then we hope this upcoming release will motivate you to get your models on the table!

There is no ETA for when the new update will be released, but hopefully it should be in the next weeks. Oh, and we're also working on a set of AI rules and some other stuff. :)

New Welcome Pack

Starting in November we're going to provide a New & Improved™ welcome pack for all of our 3D print backers, which will come with 15+ models as well as play tokens and the OPR ruler. Yes, you've read that right, we're throwing a bunch of models at you!

This starter pack will contain all of the following:

  • Battle Brothers x11
  • Ratmen x3
  • Beastmen x3
  • Play Tokens & Ruler

Note that since these are our old models, they are not pre-supported.

13 Free Models for September and October

As previously announced, we're going to be releasing 13 new models to our September and October supporters for free to give you more variety in your forces.

September supporters will get 7 new models:

  • 2 New Assault Grunts
  • 2 New Shooter Grunts
  • 2 New Skeleton Warriors
  • 1 New Skeleton Horseman

October supporters will get 6 new models:

  • 2 New Soul-Snatchers
  • 1 New Hive Warrior
  • 2 New Mummies
  • 1 New Guardian Statue

If you supported us during both months, then you'll get all 13 models of course. :)

Here are some previews of the final squads:

 Price Cuts on MMF

Moving on with more awesome stuff that we're doing to provide you with an ever increasing amount of value in the hopes that it will elevate the project to new heights and allow us to attract a bigger audience so that we can fund even more awesome content to give you.

Next month we're going to be cutting down the price on almost all of our models on MMF, to bring them more in line with what other creators charge, which hopefully will give people just that much more incentive to buy them.

Something that's important to note is that with the addition of the previously mentioned new models, some of the packs will be going slightly up in price to account for the new models, but will still be cheaper on a per-model basis.

Release Timeline Changes

October has been the first month during which we started to use MyMiniFactory to deliver our models, and whilst the actual file deliver has worked awesomely, there have been many people with doubts as to when exactly they were going to get their models.

In order to avoid these sort of doubts in the future, we're going to set the last day of the month as our new release date, so that everyone knows exactly when to expect their models to be delivered. For next month, this means the 30th of November.

We're going to update all of the text all over our Patreon at the beginning of next month so that this is hopefully clearer and people can sit back and relax.

Regarding the welcome pack we're going to be updating our list every week on Monday, but if necessary we will also push it back to the end of the month. Let's see how it goes. :)

3D Print Poll Results

Finally, we ran a survey to see what factions players want to see in the near future, and are happy to announce that our next releases will be Robot Legions and Saurians.

We have several ideas on how to tackle these factions in a unique OPR way, especially the Robot Legions, and will be sharing more details as things develop (these armies are set to start releasing only in December).


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