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Hi everyone,

All of the October models have been uploaded on MyMiniFactory, and you should be getting an e-mail to redeem them soon.

If you still haven't received your files please be patient, the e-mail has either not been delivered yet or you will receive them as soon as our e-mail list is updated again.

This is the first month that we're releasing via MyMininFactory, so we're still trying to work out the best way to set the right expectations about how the process works.

We are working on improving the way we deliver information about model releases so that things go smoother next month. :)



P.S.: If you still haven't received the e-mail by the 2nd of November, then please send us a message and we will sort it out!



Uncle Buck

Everything worked great! Downloading now.


Cant see a mummy head 2 in the supported folder? Got two mummies off the mars so far very nice models.


Got the models in MMF fine, thanks!


Do we need to save the files locally to have continued access or will they remain in our library for free download on MMF? I haven't got a printer yet and don't want to get to the point where I need the files and then not have access.


The big advantage of using MMF is that once you have redeemed your models they stay in your MMF library forever, so no need to worry about saving files locally! :)