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Alright everyone, I feel like it's been a while since I've given you a proper game update, and hopefully today I can shed a little light on everything that has been going on, and give you something that you can actually play with.

First up, I want to apologize for this month's delays in getting you game content. This has been a crazy month in terms of personal life and background business stuff, and so it's been hard to find the time to sit down and properly design stuff.

With that being said, I don't think that I will be able to fully deliver on all of the games we set out to make in October, but I'll definitely try to get you something soon!

Arena Season 2

Slowly but surely I've been working on the season 2 warbands, and today I've uploaded the warband assets for the Battle Sisters and Kingdom of Angels.

These are two pretty interesting warbands, that both focus on a small retinue of models, and are pretty durable in battle. With the Kingdom of Angels we are also introducing a new Regeneration special rule, which makes them really tough!

Get them here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/34546818

I'm going to try and get the Infected Colonies uploaded tomorrow, and as soon as we have the new fantasy Orc models ready I'll also update assets for them.

New Armies

Last week we announced that we were going to be releasing a separate army for the Custodian Brothers and a new Giant Tribes army.

The armies are almost ready to be released, so you can expect them as part of this Friday's update, but in the meantime we got Brandon to make some stellar illustrations for them!

3D Minis

Since we've been getting so many questions about when the October miniatures will be released, I wanted to give everyone a bit of an explanation of what is going on.

For those of you that don't know, this entire project is run by 1 single person, me (hi!).

I am in charge of everything from writing the rules, making the updates, updating the website, setting up stores, marketing the project, contacting news sites, answering questions, providing support, etc.

What I am not able to do myself though, is produce any of the art, illustrations, paper minatures, 3D miniatures, supports, etc.

To get you all of those amazing goodies, I hire multiple teams around the world to produce all of those pieces, so I have to coordinate all of the teams, prepare briefings, answer questions, deal with payments, do continuous checkups, etc.

Because of this, it's not always easy to get everything done quickly. Each team is in a different part of the world, dealing with their own projects, their own delays, different time zones, issues with covid19, etc.

To understand the pipeline of how the 3D models are made, here is an overview:

  • First I coordinate with the 3D producer on all aspects of the upcoming models. What models we need, how many, payments to be made, as well as providing them with an in-depth briefing document on style and inspiration for the models.
  • Then he relays this information to the 2 artists that are currently working on our miniature lines, translating the documents and ensuring everything is alright.
  • For the new few days/weeks, we go back and forth, showing progress, adjusting mistakes, adapting where there are issues, etc.
  • Once the models are done, they provide me with renders, which I then have to edit and spread around online to let everyone know what's coming.
  • Then for the next few days/weeks, the team has to prepare and test the models for printing, adjusting which parts are going to be separated, what can be modular, etc.
  • Once the files are ready, they send them to me, and I send them to the team that creates the pre-supported STL and LYS files
  • Then for the next few days/weeks, the team has to prepare and test the models making sure that they print well with the supports, and if there are any issues with the files, I then have to coordinate with the 3D producer in order to get them fixed
  • Finally, once all the files are pre-supported and ready, I upload everything on MMF and send out the e-mails for everyone to download them

Since these are all external teams, they also have other projects ongoing, and thus we are not always the first priority. This is why it takes us 2-3 weeks to have everything ready from start to finish right. Because of the situation with covid19 things are also complicated for the teams, so it's one more avenue for delays.

In any case, you are going to get your files no matter what, be it either during the month, or at the end of the month, so there is no need to panic.

That's about it. The 3D models team is currently delivering multiple projects, but they should hopefully be done soon, so after that we will be able to deliver quicker.

30% Discount Code

Just as I was writing this update we hit the 700 patrons mark, which means that we've hit our 30% discount code goal!

I've already updated the code in the Tier 3 post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/34548348

We know that patron numbers fluctuate up and down a little, but don't worry, even if we dip below 700 patrons for a moment, the 30% discount will stay.



Keep up the good work man! :D

Fshhhbone Spineshiver

You're a one man powerhouse! Thanks for doing what you do!


Thanks for the update and information. I think much of the anxiety people express comes from the prevalence of "get your files before the end of the month or they are gone forever" scenarios that are (still? or used to be) common on Patreon. There will of course be plenty of "I must print it now" and "I need to finish my army" but I have more things to print than I could even hope to print or paint, my digital and physical pile of shame is large. The integration of MyMiniFactory will hopefully alleviate much of the FOMO issue and in my view is an amazing feature.


I agree, and will keep trying to perfect the text in the tier 3 post in order to make sure it's clear that there is no need to panic. :)