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Hi everyone,

The submissions are in, and now it's time to vote for your favorite paintjob!



Its too bad that newer painters with maybe less time than the obviously skilled and experienced painters never have a chance to win these painting contests... It is often discouraging to even bother putting the effort in. More painting contests should be random.


I realize it ceases from being a "contest", but a raffle of sorts. But it can work to encourage more people to try


Some participation-to-qualify raffles would be neat, but personally I was keen to submit just to be involved, as I knew there was people better than I (and my printer really cant handle the details, xD).


That's not a bad idea, maybe we could have some sort of small reward that's given out to non-winners at random? Not sure what it could be, but it's definitely something worth considering for our next painting contest in November. :)

Justin McCormick

I like that, I think it would encourage more people to post pictures and even paint more.

Joey Jar Jar Junior Shabadoo

Another Patreon I support has a 2-tiered monthly contest. They do prizes for "best painted" and then random draws from everyone that submitted painted (or even just printed) minis. I think these prizes *are* sponsored by a manufacturer, so they can afford to spread the love around, but I like the 2-tiered system part of it. I painted for this contest as a challenge to myself, so I'm not fussed if I win anything... I got a fully painted model out of it! :-D


I like this idea. Winner for best (so one tries) and random winner as well (so one participates)


I say don't get discourage. Keep the works of those you admire as a guide and keep painting. Post even if you think its crap. And always keep your first painted models to compare them not only with someone else's work, but with your work after some years. When you see the difference, then that's encouraging enough.