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Before we get into the game updates, I wanted to highlight that we just updated our September overview post with the final renders for the Prime Warrior and Shooter Grunts.

This month's models really turned out amazing, and we're really happy to be working on some new armies after spending so much time with the Battle Sisters and the Dwarves.

Our goal is to speed up the release schedule of our 3D models, so you can expect each army to be completed in just 3 months instead of the previous 6 months, and we'll try to keep improving on our designs to create really cool models!

For those of you that don't have 3D printers, we've read your comments and are currently looking into possibilities to do print-on-demand, but no promises yet.

Make sure to check them out here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/41104102 

FTL Updates + Legendary Fleets Naming

This week has been pretty big in the development of FTL, and you'll find 3 new/updated files in the tier 2 post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/rewards-tier-2-34546818

Without going into every minute detail, here's what's new:

- Added all new heroes, titles, weapons and upgrades to the core rules

- All 6 factions are now complete with ships, heroes, upgrades, etc.

- All 6 factions now also have a background story and ship illustration

- The basic rules section of the Full Rulebook is ready

- The advanced rules section of the Full Rulebook is ready

Next up we're going to be working on the total conversions section of the Full Rulebook, and after that it's just going to be more polishing of the rules until the end of the month.

Something that we had mentioned earlier was that we'd be giving the community the chance to name our Legendary Fleets, and now the day finally has come!

The way this works is fairly simple, just fill out the attached form with 1 legendary fleet name per faction, and then in a week we'll make a poll to see what the most popular names are.

Before submitting the names make sure to read the faction background stories to get a good idea of what would be fitting for the faction. Also, we won't take any names into consideration that are sexual, offensive, etc.

Submit the names here: https://forms.gle/5yjTg1GmccZ15bvS7

Note that we reserve the right to have a final say on what names are going into the game, even if it's not the most popular ones.

Arena Updates + Templates

For the arena games it has been more of a week of simply polishing things, rather than completely overhauling things.

The latest versions of the season 1 books comes with modified hex-maps, as well as a new set of play tokens, objective markers and deadly hexes.

Get them here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/rewards-tier-2-34546818

We've also updated the arena templates files to include all of the hex-map assets, giving you complete control over what sort of arenas you can play on.

The template comes with all of the assets in color and black & white, and you can even modify the hexes to be a different color then gray. :)

Get them here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/rewards-tier-3-34548348



Overly excited for the release of the Alien Hive models. Its so hard to find decent Sci-Fi minis that are not mech based. On top of that finding a decent variation in poses. A large pet peeve of mine is having a bunch of the same variation. Not to put light on the game you have put together but these will be awesome for my DnD homebrew sci-fi campaign. Keeping a close eye on file release. Thanks guys!

Julian Josefus

Print on Demand would be awesome!

Luca Reina

Print on Demand would be ultra-awesome!