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It has been yet another very busy week here at OPR, and with today's update we'd like to highlight the most important stuff we've got for you, but first we wanted to take a moment to encourage you to join our Discord server: https://discord.gg/djBydgk

The reason we encourage you to join us there is because whilst we have these weekly updates here on Patreon, we're constantly sharing progress as it comes along on Discord, and a lot of organic discussion happens about the direction the games are going.

That's something that's not possible to do with Patreon posts only, and you're really missing out on seeing how things progress day by day, and in helping further shape the direction that our games are taking.

Don't forget to connect your Discord account to your Patreon account here, so that you can see the hidden channels: https://www.patreon.com/settings/apps 

FTL News

After taking a break from FTL for a while, I've now gone back into the design process of the game with a fresh perspective, and so there will be some changes to the way the game is structured, specifically in how list building works.

The system we had planned out was one where each faction was basically defined by having a ton of faction-specific upgrades that defined their playstyle. What we didn't like about this system is that it introduced far too many variables, where players ended up spending more time looking up what each component did, instead of playing the game.

So what I'm going to be doing now instead is to try and define a more solid list of core upgrades and special rules, which are then applied to different ships and factions. What this should do is reduce the overall complexity of the game, because players will only be required to learn a small set of common rules, instead of being bombarded with info.

I was hoping to get a new draft of the rules out by today's update, however I've had some technical issues which prevented me from getting it done. I'm going to try and get those out in the next 2-3 days, so keep your eyes peeled for new files.

In the meantime we've had Brandon draw up a bunch of art for the full rulebook, which is going to look pretty damn awesome. Also, we now have a cover for the game! ;)

Arena Games Season 1 (beta)

So, you might ask, what have I been working on whilst taking a break from FTL?

Well, I've doubled-down on the arena games, and have now completed the first draft of most of the elements of GF: Arena and AoF: Arena, and you can find he Season 1 beta in the Tier 2 folder: https://www.patreon.com/posts/34546818

These beta files are just a compilation of everything that has been prepared until now, and don't reflect the way the final product is going to be organized, but they should serve as a good way for you to get your hands on everything in one place.

Not only do we now have covers for the games, but there's also expanded rulebooks with diagrams, 3 armies per game, as well as 3 hex boards in color and black & white.

For our Tier 3 supporters we've also added PSD templates of all game components so that you can easily make your own warbands: https://www.patreon.com/posts/34548348

3D Tokens & Ruler

This week we released a brand new set of 3D play tokens, as well as an OPR branded ruler, which honestly look pretty damn awesome. These are going to stay available as a sort of "welcome gift" for Tier 3 subscribers, and we couldn't be any happier with them! :D

Read more about them here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/3d-play-tokens-40839953 

2D Kingdom of Angels

Finally today we also released some new 2D print models with the Kingdom of Angels, which also turned out pretty great!

These come in 2 color variants, one which is based off ancient mesopotamia, whilst the other is a bit more nordic, with blonde beards and a snow leopard.

Read more about them here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/kingdom-of-army-40882662 


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