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Like I mentioned in last week's patrons-only update, I've been taking a small break from FTL in order to clear my head... and wouldn't you know it, I spent that time creating a new game that I've been tinkering with for a while! :D

Age of Fantasy: Arena - Season 1 (beta)

Ever since Warhammer: Underworlds was released a few years back I've been fascinated with the idea of making a hex-arena game, but I've always been held back by the fact that not everyone is going to have the models, hex boards and cards necessary to play.

However, a while ago I realized that since we now provide 2D print models and terrain, we could totally make a hex-arena game in print-and-play format, which would serve as a great way to get more mileage out of our 2D print models.

With that idea in mind, the idea for AoF: Arena was born!

The goal with AoF:A was to create a game that has a very low model count, plays super fast, and offers a ton of customization to make it interesting.

Originally I thought about using a deck of cards (much like WH:U), but the thought of asking players to cut out a ton of cards, get some sleeves, etc. was pretty daunting, so instead the game uses a "tactics board", which gives your models extra abilities.

Everything about the game can be customized, from the models you take, to which upgrades you give them, to individual parts of your tactics board. The core game loop is to come up with a crazy combo, try it out in a quick match, then switch it up and perfect it until you're actually able to pull off the perfect strategy. It's very fun. :D

Right now we're thinking of releasing the game in season, with each new season coming out every 6 months and offering 3 new warbands, new hex boards, as well as new common upgrade cards and tactics boards.

In order to line everything up we're aiming to get season 1 out by the end of September, but of course that may change, so who knows... 

Anyway, we've thrown together a first beta version of Season 1 for you to check out, and as always all feedback is highly appreciated.

Check out the rules here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/rewards-tier-2-34546818 

Next up I'm going to create some warbands for Grimdark Future: Arena, and then I'll go back to FTL in full force!

Rock Golem Released

Today we released our last Dwarf army model by Kyoushuneko Miniatures, and we couldn't be happier with how it turned out. This collaboration has been a dream come true, and you should definitely check out the Patreon for more amazing miniatures here:  https://www.patreon.com/kyoushuneko_miniatures  

Rock Golems are sculpted from the mountains by powerful rune magic, and add some incredible might to the Dwarf forces when they march to war. 

This model comes with 3 different arm designs.

Download the models here:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/34548348 

Note that you must be a Tier 3 patron to access to the link above.

These models are going to be available exclusively on Patreon until the 30th of August, after which they will go up for sale on our CGTrader store at a higher price.

FTL Model Previews

We're sorry that we can't give you many more news regarding FTL, but in the meantime hopefully these Empire model previews will put a smile on your face.

3D Model Previews

Finally, here are some more 3D model previews, everything is in WIP and still subject to change, but we thought you might appreciate them. :)



Images don't appear to be working.


Wait...they're there in the email Issue might be on my end.


Yes! I want those FTL models (both 3d and 2d!) They look great.

C the Jester

What does it mean in AoFA when on move it says it can only be used once??


Models can be activated multiple times, but certain actions (move/charge) can only be used once. So theoretically you could activate the same model 4 times. :)

C the Jester

But they can't move or charge 4 times right?

C the Jester

One last question can multiple units have the same upgrade


Yes, multiple models can have the same upgrade, but each model can only be equipped with a single upgrade. There are some effects which allow you to transfer upgrades, but that's only once you're in-game. :)