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Before we get into the meat of this update, I need to highlight that I'm currently experiencing issues with my office programs, and as such am not sure I'll be able to finish all the game updates I wanted to get done by the end of the week. So far things are looking good, but if something goes wrong then things are going to get delayed.

Anyway, let's move on to the update.

Battle Sisters Walker

It's strange to think that it's already been 6 months that we've been releasing 3D models, and this week we uploaded Battle Sisters Walker as the last model in the army.

This model comes with helmet and a pilot versions, 3 different weapons for both arms (heavy machinegun, heavy flamethrower, sawblade) and optional exhaust pipes.

Download the model here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/34548348 

New 3D Print Armies

With the Battle Sisters and the Dwarves wrapping up this month, we've put up a poll to see what you guys would like next, and now we're happy to announce our next 2 armies.

  • Sci-Fi - Alien Hives
  • Fantasy - Mummified Undead

For these armies we're going to try something new, and see if we can release more models in a smaller time-frame, giving you both armies in just 3 months. If it works out it means we would double the amount of armies we release each year, which sounds pretty neat.

Also don't forget that there's some fancy spaceship models coming for FTL, but more later.

Jakob's Path: Chapter 2

We're very happy that people have been enjoying Jakob's Path, and this month we've got the 2nd chapter ready for you.

Chapter 2 - After spotting a Goblin holding a precious artifact, Jakob and his men give chase into the thick jungle, which will prove to be a beast all of its own. What perils and wonders expect them past the treeline? Read to find out...

Download the chapter here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/34546818 

FTL Update

If you've been following the FTL updates and the chats that we've been having on our Discord server, then you already know that so far I'm not very satisfied with how the game has been turning out. Whenever I think that I've got something that I like, after a couple more games I come back not feeling very good about it.

My original goal when I set out to make FTL was simple, to make a fun spaceship battles game. To this day, I don't think that I've achieved that.

Right now FTL works fine mechanically, and I'm sure for some of you that have given it a go it's quite an enjoyable game. Which is all fine and well, but is not what we need for a mainline OPR game that's going to last for years to come.

In order to have a game that is going to last, then I have to love playing the game, or else it's not going to work. If it's a game that I love, then I will be excited to play it, update it, add new content, etc. but if it's not a game that I love, then it will be a thorn in my side forever.

I know that might sound selfish, but it's the reality of the situation for a one-man project.

So, what does this mean for FTL?

First, today's supposed release of the Marauders and Progenitors is being delayed.

Second, I'll be going back to the drawing board with the game, and try to re-work it in such a way that I actually find it fun to play, even if it means throwing it all out the window.

When I first started working on FTL one of the things I wanted was to make a game that wasn't just an updated version of Orion's Gate, but maybe that was a mistake. Whenever I play a game of Orion's Gate it's always a ton of fun, so I'm not sure that trying to make something completely new is actually the right thing for me.

With that in mind I'm going to try and see if I can tune in to the same mindset I had when I first created that game back in 2016, and make a new fun game. Wish me good luck!

I'll provide you with an update as soon as possible, and am really sorry for this. In the meantime, here's a small preview of some FTL illustrations for you to enjoy. :)

2D Print Poll

Finally we've already put up a 2D print poll for September, which will be an "evil" sci-fi army.

Take the poll: https://www.patreon.com/posts/40376929 


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