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Collaboration with Manuel Boria

This month we've got a special treat for you in terms of 3D models, as we've partnered up with the amazing Manuel Boria to bring you a stunning Gnoll Warrior.

If you've never heard of him and are interested in fantasy miniatures, then you should definitely check his stuff out. Not only does he make really epic heroes and warriors, but also really adorable monster cubs. UwU

Later this week we'll be posting some quickplay armies for you to be able to get some fantasy games going with his miniatures, so keep your eyes peeled.

Make sure to check him out here: https://www.patreon.com/Manuel_Boria 

FTL Updates

For those of you that are impatient to read the rest of the update, go check out the Tier 2+ folder, there's 2 new files there for you to check out. ;)

So, what is new?

The core rules have been updated to clarify what exactly counts as an upgrade, and that you can choose to leave upgrade slots blank, counting as an upgrade with no effects.

Most importantly though, the Factions Book has now been made available, and features the Empire and Alliance armies, with more to come in the next few weeks.

Each army comes with its own unique model types, heroes, upgrades and weapons, giving each faction its own distinct feel. Note that I ran out of time before today's update, so I didn't get to fill in the legendary fleets yet.

If you can please try to play some test games with these armies this week and provide as much feedback as possible, any bit of extra playtesting helps!

Apart from the books, work continues on the creation of new 2D and 3D models, as well as the cover art and all other illustrations that are going into the final book.

Here's a small teaser of what may or may not end up on the cover... :D



I love tabletop starship games, and I'm glad to see that the factions are unique, yet generic enough that it's not just Battlefleet Gothic clone. Keep up the good work!


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