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In this update we've got some new 3D models, a teaser for upcoming 2D models, a 2D models survey, an update on the 2021 game jam, but most importantly some updates about the GF narrative campaign and the upcoming spaceship battles game.

Dwarf Warriors Released

Once again Kyoushuneko Miniatures provided us with a set of gorgeous miniatures, check out his Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/kyoushuneko_miniatures  

These models come with 5 different head designs, 5 different body designs and 5 different weapon types (axes, hammers, picks, maces, spears).

Download the models here:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/34548348 

Note that you must be a Tier 3 patron to access to the link above.

These models are going to be available exclusively on Patreon until the 29th of June, after which they will go up for sale on our CGTrader store at a higher price.

Mummified Undead Preview

This month's 2D print models are not quite ready yet, but should be available soon, and in the meantime we've got a preview of the army pack.

As you can see we've got a hero/priest, some warriors, archers, mummies, as well as guardian statues with 3 different heads. Truly an awesome set! :D

2D Models Survey

Continuing with the cycle of 2D models, we've opened up a survey for next month's models, which are going to be sci-fi again. Since last month we had some "bad guys" with the Alien Hives, next month we're looking to make some "good guys".

Make sure to vote here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/38291372 

OPR Game Jam 2021

In order to spread more awareness about the OPR Game Jam and make sure that people's games from this year's jam don't get lost, we've added a new section to our website where people can check them out: https://onepagerules.com/portfolio/opr-game-jam/ 

Whilst we were at it we've also decided to already create the page for the 2021 jam, this way people can slowly join over the course of a year and hopefully we can get even more participants to create awesome games!

Make sure to sign up here: https://itch.io/jam/oprgj2021 

GF Narrative Campaign

Alright, now to the juicy bits.

Progress on the narrative campaign is going well, we've got most of the missions prepared and are currently in the process of having all the story bits put together. Once the story is fully done we're then going to get some awesome cover art and interior illustrations going so that it's ready for release.

Whilst we'd love to say that the first chapter will be released this month, we think it's more realistic to say that it will be done by next month, but fingers crossed. This being a 30 page book with 10 missions and an epic story, we might take a little longer than expected...

Spaceship Battles Game

Finally some news about the new spaceship battles game.

Whilst there's always been ideas on what direction to take the game in, as well as a couple of notes and some prototypes, last week we've actually started with the production of the game.

We've been doing a lot of research, looking at other games in the genre, as well as games outside of it, and slowly an actual game is coming together. This will take a while to make, and we're happy to have everyone join us in this journey via early access, so exciting times are ahead.

Right now we're thinking that maybe it would be cool to have a couple of "dev diaries" released as development progresses, and we'll have an official announcement plus more details toward the end of this month. :D


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