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Today we're releasing a gorgeous new 3D print model, as well as providing some updates on the 2D paper models for May. Then we've got a preview of some big game updates coming up, as well as a roadmap of what we'll be doing in the near-ish future.

Ratmen Shaman Released

This stunning new model is filled with amazing detail, from it's staff and magic orb to scrolls, bells, side pistols AND a scenic base featuring a dead Havoc Brother.

This model was made in collaboration with ThatEvilOne, check out the Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/thatevilone

Download the model here:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/34548348 

Note that you must be a Tier 3 patron to access to the link above.

This model is going to be available exclusively on Patreon until the 30th of May, after which it will go up for sale on our CGTrader store at a higher price.

2D Print Update + June Poll

Unfortunately there's been a bit of a delay with the production of the 2D print models for May, but rest assured that things are coming along and looking good.

We won't be able to release the Alien Hives models today, but hopefully they should be released in the coming days, and we'll make sure to give you an update when they're done.

For the terrain, we've decided to add different seasons to it, which is also delaying its production. We'll try to get it all done before the end of the month, but if things are delayed by too much, then we'll release the 1 season that's ready this month, and extend the availability of the 3 remaining seasons to next month.

Since we're halfway through the month we've also created a poll for the June release, which will be fantasy this time. Cast your votes here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/37287836 

In the meantime, here's a preview of the Alien Hives progress. :)

Upcoming Game Updates

With the upcoming release of the full rulebook for AoF: Regiments we've decided to bundle in a couple of important game updates, and today we've uploaded some previews in the Tier 2 post.

The biggest change comes to the way spells work for all of our games, as they will now require line of sight for casting and blocking. Additionally we found that attack spells were far too strong, so we've dialled them all down a notch.

We've reviewed the spell lists for all armies in all games, modifying the old attack spell values accordingly, but also changing certain spells in order to make some lists more viable and competitive.

On the fantasy side we're changing the way Command Groups work, because their current iteration is a little vague, which leads to many questions and game stopping situations.

In the future instead of buying a Command Group upgrade, units will be able to buy a Sergeant, Musician and Battle Standard, providing different bonuses to them. Additionally we're also adding these models to AoF: Skirmish for the first time, so you can finally use those models in skirmish games too.

Then we've also gone ahead and re-worked all of the GFF and AoFS army books to simplify some upgrade lists and remove redundancies, all in an effort to avoid confusion. If you see any redundant upgrades that are still left over please let us know and we'll fix them.

For this update we've had to re-work 100+ files, so to spare you the hassle we've uploaded only a couple of key armies and core rules as a preview.

Check them out here:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/rewards-tier-2-34546818 

Development Roadmap

Finally let's get to the development roadmap.

There are so many things that we're constantly working on, that sometimes it's easy to lose track of what we've already let you know about, and what we've simply forgot to mention.

In many ways the release of the rulebook for AoF: Regiments is a big milestone, because for the first time in OPR history we'll have a full rulebook for all of our games.

Whilst this doesn't mean that we're "done" with any of these games, we're hoping that the systems are stable enough that from now on we can focus more on releasing new armies, units and expansions, instead of having to re-design the core game mechanics.

To start us off with these new types of releases we're currently working on a narrative campaign for GF, which is also a first for us. Right now we're still figuring out how to combine a cool narrative with interesting missions, and we'll make sure to update you on the progress soon.

Apart from working on expansions for our current games, this will free us up to start working on completely new games, and we'll be starting with a spaceship battles game for that, which we're VERY excited about. The making of this new game deserves its own posts, so we're not going to be revealing more about that today. ;)

Now that the full rulebooks are all done we're also working on providing physical versions of all of the games to be sold via WargameVault. The plan is to make these annual releases, containing all of the game materials released up until that point in one convenient package.

Speaking of WargameVault, we're also working on the production of 2D print starter sets featuring 2 armies + terrain, which should serve as a good intro to the game for new players, as well as a new way for people to discover OPR.

We'd love to do some sort of 3D print starter sets in the future as well, but that's something that will have to be planned very carefully, and we'll need to have at least 2 armies fully released before we can start doing that.

Right now our plan is to release a new full army every 6 months, alternating between one "good" faction and one "bad" faction, that way we can create a starter set. Anyway right now we're at release 3/6 for the Battle Sisters, so this is still some time away...

For 3D print we also wanted to let you know that whilst we stopped providing the free models we had on CGTrader, we're currently working on ways to provide free models in the future without hurting our business model.

What we're thinking of right now is that instead of providing a full squad for free like we used to, we'll provide single models from full squads instead, which we can then cycle in and out as new models and armies come out. So for example we'd be providing a single Battle Sisters Trooper for free, and if people want the rest they can buy the full pack.

Else we've still got plans to release a monthly one-off game as we had mentioned in a previous update, however that's currently not our top priority. Whilst we love the idea we have to figure out a way to do it in a feasible way, where we don't just get burned out and start providing lower quality games than we'd like.

Aaaand... I think that's all?

Here's a recap of everything:

  • GF Narrative Campaign is in development
  • New Spaceship Battles game to be developed
  • Physical fulebooks coming to WargameVault
  • 2D Print Starter Sets in development
  • Free 3D Print models coming back in new format
  • Monthly One-Offs still in consideration

THANK YOU ike to take a moment to thank everyone for the amazing support you've given to the project so far, and the immeasurable help you've provided in its development. I could've never dreamed for the project to survive this long and actually become this big, and it's all thanks to your generous support. Hopefully this project can keep growing so that we can provide you with more and more content, at an ever increasing level of quality. :D



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