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Today we're releasing some awesome new models, and are bringing you some cool early access stuff that you can enjoy before everybody else! :D

Dwarf Riflemen Released

First up we've got some super exciting new fantasy models for you. The Dwarf Riflemen are not only angry and ready to blast everyone away with their rifles, but they also come each with a different intricate backpack, filled with details!

These models were made in collaboration with Kyoushuneko Miniatures, check out the Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/kyoushuneko_miniatures 

 These models come with 5 different body designs. 

Download the models here:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/34548348 

Note that you must be a Tier 3 patron to access to the link above.

These models are going to be available exclusively on Patreon until the 30th of May, after which they will go up for sale on our CGTrader store at a higher price.

AoF: Regiments Rulebook

Today we've completed the bulk of the new rulebook for AoFR, which comes with detailed explanations on how to deal with models on movement trays, as well as a ton of new diagrams to make things as clear as possible.

Additionally we've added a new total conversion to play Phased Battles, where instead of players alternating single unit activations, the game is played over different phases (movement, shooting, melee), where players alternate in taking different actions.

This is a homage to the way 1pFB used to work, and it drastically alters the way the game is played, with multiple units charging into the same target and simultaneous melee.

Check out the preview here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/34546818 

Oh, and you can all thank Brandon for knocking it out of the park once again with this gorgeous new cover art for the game!

2D Terrain Release

Somehow with all of the different things going on we completely forgot to mention that this month we're also going to be releasing a set of 2D printable terrain for everyone.

Right now the plan is to release the below "spring" set for Tier 1, whilst Tier 2 and Tier 3 will also get re-colorings for the 3 other seasons (summer, autumn, winter).

We're also considering doing some crazier re-coloring at some other point (for stuff like alien planets), as well as other sets of terrain more specific to different factions maybe, but this is something for the distant future...



I really love the art style for OPR. It really has a great diatictive style and helps build the brand.