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Today we've got a ton of cool stuff coming at you, but first we'd like to ask you to answer a super quick poll (just 1 question) about new rewards here:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/34549562 

Have you done it? Yes? Great, now let's get to the updates!

Battle Sisters Champion

It's hard to believe that the day has finally come, but we've just released the new exclusive Battle Sisters Champion model for Tier 3 supporters. :D

Here the announcement: https://www.patreon.com/posts/34550056

Dwarf Lord WIP

As previously announced we're also working with Kyoushuneko Miniatures to release 3D print fantasy miniatures for Age of Fantasy.

Whilst the models are not ready yet, here is a preview of the new Dwarf Lord that is being made for OPR, sporting some really fancy headgear. :D

Note that as per our agreement with Kyoushuneko Miniatures this model will be a limited time exclusive on Patreon, after which it will be released for free on CGTrader.

CGTrader Store

Now that we're also providing 3D print miniatures for our supporters we've also created a CGTrader store, where you will be able to find miniatures from previous months.

Check out the store here:  https://www.cgtrader.com/onepagerules

To celebrate this moment we've re-released all of our existing Battle Brothers miniatures completely for free, and they now come with a fancy new helmet design, as well as a ton of new special weapons.

2D Print Models

But what about people that don't have a 3D printer you ask?

Well, we've also got something in store for you in the form of 2D print models that will soon be available on Patreon as well as on our website.

Right now we're working on two starter sets for Grimdark Future and Age of Fantasy which will be available for free, allowing new players to get into the game even quicker.

The starter set for Grimdark Future is almost ready, check out the preivews:

Patreon Structure

Today we also changed a couple of things on our Patreon page to reflect these changes, and as part of that we've updated the links to the rewards:

Make sure to bookmark these to make it even easier to find them later.

Note that we've uploaded all of the previously released Early Access files in the Tier 2+ folder, making it easier to find everything that is already available.

We've also updated the OPR website with some new links to the CGTrader store, as well as more info on the monthly 3D print models available on Patreon.

Core Rules Updates

On the rules side of things, we're currently changing a couple of smaller things in the core rules to make them ready for the full rulebook updates.

The rules can be found in early access here:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/rewards-tier-2-34546818 

Here the full changelog:

General Rules

  • Heroes may use their own morale when joining units, but aren't forced to anymore
  • Heroes always roll for defense using their unit's defense value, unless they are the last model alive
  • Indirect shots now only suffer a -1 to hit penalty when moving
  • Spell blocking now has a range of 18" instead of just 12"

AoF: Regiments

  • Units may only pivot before moving and must move in a straight line when using Rush/Charge.
  • Ambush units must be placed over 12" away (to avoid rear charges)

Full Rulebooks Update

This is still a WIP, but now that we've updated all of the core rules and supplements we're going full steam ahead with the big rulebooks.

We don't have a preview to show you yet, however here are some of the features we're thinking of adding as part of the advanced rules:

  • Different rules on how to place terrain
  • Different deployment styles
  • Side-missions and objectives
  • Command points style resource
  • Heroes joining/leaving units mid-battle
  • More granular hero defense rolls
  • Grenades and explosives
  • How to use the old GW templates
  • Open-topped vehicle rules
  • Different ways to handle melee

Online Point Calculator

This is something that people have been asking for a long time, and we're finally getting to the point of actually being able to release an online version of the point calculator.

It's not ready yet, but this simple tool will allow you to create units and weapons without having to do the math yourself, as well as giving you rounded and un-rounded costs.

As soon as we know more we'll let you know, but we're really excited about it!

New Facebook Group

Finally we've created a new OPR Facebook group where players can easily share pictures, thoughts, start conversations, look for players, etc.

Join the group here:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/onepagerules/ 

The group was created just a few days ago and there isn't much stuff on it yet, so if you decide to join don't be afraid to share some stuff to get the conversation going!


That's it for today, I'm gonna go rest my fingers now. XD



Thanks for the progress on the calculator, and the assurance that unrounded would be available. I of course will probably want to tweak even further, but that's such a huge step. A comment on your poll: those particular things don't really matter to me. I want the point calculator and a place to talk about it. I appreciate having access to early stuff and being able to give feedback, too.


All sounds awesome! Have you ever thought about adding an online archive to your publications/ editions? I love the simplicity of current editions. Also I suppose all the extra rules would be optional and wouldn't have too much an impact points wise on units? The transparency on points calculation is one of my favourite things that you do, just wanted to say thank you for this.


We thought about having an archive, but ultimately decided against it because it would cause too much confusion to have multiple versions of the games online. The extra rules from the full rulebook are completely optional, and they have no impact on unit points. :)


Understandable! Every new version is an improvement to be fair. Ok good to hear, thanks for replying :)


I'm really excited for paper minis! I'm very new to wargaming and don't have an army ready to play with yet, so having the option to print out and use paper minis is so excellent!