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Hi everyone,

Lately I've been very busy with a lot of unexpected life stuff and so I've not been able to focus as much on Wave 3 and Wave 4 as I'd like to.

So for this update let's focus on what else is coming up next. :)

OPR Merch for Christmas

We've been talking about merch for a long time now, and right now we're 90% sure that we're going to finally be releasing some via Teespring.

The idea for now is to have basic t-shirts and mugs with various illustrations and logos.

Since by now we have a ton of illustrations we're thinking to make a survey this week so people can vote on the top illustrations they like.

Our hope is to have everything ready and set up ASAP so that if someone wants to get some OPR merch for Christmas they can!

Battle Sisters Release

With the release of new Battle Sisters models we're going to be making an update fully dedicated to them.

The release is going to focus a little bit on their story, as well as provide some Quickplay Armies for a classic clash between Battle Sisters and Battle Brothers.

We're also going to be showcasing the new art, and who knows, maybe people like it enough that it ends up on a t-shirt. ;)

New Hive City Gang

Similar to the Battle Sisters there is a new release for Gangs of Hive City coming up, right now tentatively called "The Grinders".

This warband is highly focused on brutal melee combat, and we're looking into re-working The Brutes gang in order to make sure the two gangs feel different.

You can expect the release to also come with some Quickplay Armies to ease you into the game, so it'll be a great way to start playing Firefight.

We're also currently debating if we should have a version of the Gangs of Hive City for regular Grimdark Future, allowing you to bring gangs to big battles.

Full Rulebooks & Point Calculators Update

Once we're done with the release of all the new and updated armies we're thinking it's about time to give our Full Rulebooks and Point Calculator a little refresh.

This is going to be nothing major for the Full Rulebooks, just mostly moving things around, fixing mistakes, making things clearer, etc.

For the Point Calculators however we want to do a little more, with some much needed clarifications as well as adding new sections on spells and converting armies for skirmish games.

Games on Sale

Another thing we've spoken about for a while is the possibility of actually putting the games up on sale outside of Patreon, especially in physical form.

Nothing is confirmed yet, but we think that sometime at the end of this year or beginning of next year this will finally be a possibility.

If we do this it's going to be a limited trial run at first just to see how it goes, and then we'll evaluate if this is something we'd like to keep doing.

Whatever we do rest assured that we're going to keep Patreon our priority, and we're not going to do anything to compromise the value of your contributions.

New Games for 2020

We've been really wanting to bring out some new games by the end of this year, but seeing how the army updates are taking more time than we thought it's probably not going to happen yet.

Instead you can expect us to announce and start working on some new games in 2020, all of them following what our community wants via various surveys.

Something that we think would also be really cool would be to have a sort of exclusive insight into how the game is being made as it comes along, in almost "documentary" style.

Anyway, this is something we'll have to keep thinking about, but yeah, cool stuff is coming your way in the new year! :D

And finally...

Oh, there's more...


Hope you liked this update!




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