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Hi everyone,

Today we're excited to bring you a new army for Age of Fantasy, the Ossified Undead, as well as some new illustrations and news about wave 3.

Revenge of the Fallen

The Ossified Undead are a bunch of crazed mutated skeletons that were constructed by cursed necromancers that are seeking revenge from their old vampire lord allies. Basically at some point the vampire lords used to fight alongside these necromancers in order to conquer Tyria, but once the fighting was over they were too greedy to give up some of their new land.

This lead them to magically mutated the necromancers into skeletons, who didn't take well to their new predicament (go figure). In retaliation they used dark magic to put together new skeleton warriors from the remains of their fallen brethren, and are now seeking to destroy the vampiric undead.

Gameplay wise the army is extremely resiliant, with all units having the Regeneration rule, however it's also very sluggish, with all units having the Slow rule. Overall expect to have a much more reliable force than other undead armies, with some interesting heroes and monsters.

Attached you will find the army books for both Age of Fantasy and Skirmish, and we're planning on releasing it later this week with quickplay armies for Ossified Undead vs Ogres.

Pretty Pictures

Whilst working on the new army book updates we noticed that some of the illustrations we currently have aren't really representative of their armies, or simply don't look too cool.

In order to give all armies the look that they deserve we've spoke to Brandon Gillam from RUNEHAMMER to help us out, and he's created some awesome new illustrations for us.

Honestly there's not much more to say, just check them out.

Chivalrous Kingdoms

Rift Daemons


Battle Sisters

You can expect the existent army books to be updated with the new pictures soon, we hope you like them! :)

Wave 3 Update

I've been travelling over the past week so I haven't had much time to work on the wave 3 update yet, but now that I'm back I'm slowly gearing up to do it.

Lucky for me wave 3 sees us only re-working 10 armies and 16 factions, which is a bit less than what we updated in the last 2 waves.

Anyway, here are the threads for the wave 3 armies, make sure to check them out for updates:

Grimdark Future: http://onepagerules.proboards.com/post/9587/thread

Age of Fantasy: http://onepagerules.proboards.com/post/9588/thread


That's it for today, next week I'll hopefully be able to have all of the wave 3 armies finished for release.





The note said Ossified lists were attached. I don't see? I am not interested in the new figures that inspired those, but I am making some undead that are a bit tougher.


Thanks. Too high quality for my use, but shows it is legit to have high defense.


The new artwork is looking fantastic, I especially like the battle sister and mounted knight.


love the style of the artwork. really gives this rules family its own recognizable flare.