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Hi everyone,

Just a quick update today going over some of the new stuff that's being developed, lately I've been extremely busy and so work on the project has slowed down a little, but it's still moving forward. :)

Wave 1 for both Grimdark Future and Age of Fantasy have been completed, and you can find all of the new files by following the links below.

GF:  http://onepagerules.proboards.com/thread/1379/wave-grimdark-future-layout-previews  

AoF:  http://onepagerules.proboards.com/thread/1402/wave-age-fantasy-layout-previews 

I've still got a couple of kinks to iron out but they are mostly done, and I've started working on the Firefight and Skirmish versions of each army list. Since I don't have that much time on my hands right now I'm not sure if I'm going to post all the skirmish versions before they go live (hopefully this Thursday).

The skirmish versions are going to be similar to what you came to expect from the old rules, but with one important change: all special rules that have a "bubble" effect will have their range raised from 3" to 12" in order to make them worth their price. We're also raising the "bubble" effect of morale bonuses given by heroes to 12" and the spell effect spread to 6", again to make things worth their price more.

Anyway, since the newly balanced army rules come with some new changes we've also gone ahead and updated the core rules and full rulebooks to reflect this, which you can find attached to this post.

Here the full changes:

  • Fear now counts as dealing +D3 wounds for melee results (GF + AoF)
  • Fear now counts as dealing +D3 wounds for wound effects (GFF + AoFS)
  • Furious now gives +1 attack with a weapon of choice when charging
  • Rending was re-written to be clearer 
  • Artillery now gives the unit Defense 2+ against shooting attacks
  • Fire Breath now deals 3 automatic this with AP(1), clarified that needs line of sight
  • Units with multiple models are activated as a single unit again instead of as individuals
  • Units within 12" of a hero can now use his quality for morale tests
  • Spell effects can now be spread by up to 6"

Because we are updating armies in different waves this will definitely lead to some quirky situations in terms of point cost balance or the way spells and special rules work.

The only way to avoid this would be to release all the updates armies at once, but since that might take a long time and we are updating them in order of popularity, we think it's not fair toward our players to hold onto a finished product for longer than necessary.

We hope that any imbalances won't be too bad and that we're going to finish updating all of the armies quickly so everyone can enjoy! :)


That's it for today, if everything goes according to plan you can look forward to seeing a full release of Wave 1 this Thursday and work starting on Wave 2 right after that.




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