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Hi everyone,

Today we have just a quick update, as well as some new files in the early access folder.

Gangs of Hive City

With the release of the new campaign rules we are going to be providing some new warbands for Age of Fantasy Skirmish and Grimdark Future Firefight.

For fantasy we have thee Worshippers of the Spire, which were already revealed a couple of weeks ago, so today we bring you the new warbands for sci-fi: Gangs of Hive City.

This is going to be a set of 7 new warbands which come with a ton of weapon options and cool special rules. Each warband is going to focus on a different strategy, some are fast, some are stealthy, some are furious, etc.

So far we only developed 1 of them which you can find in the early access folder, and hopefully we'll have the other 6 done by next week.

New Army Book Layouts

As some of you already know through our numerous updates on the secret forum, we've been working on a new version of the army book layouts.

We've been going back and forth with the layouts a lot and would really appreciate some feedback on the latest versions. With one of them we are trying a new "unit card" style of army book, whilst with the other are are trying just a revamped "old school" style of army book.

Please take a look at the 2 versions and give me your feedback, at this point I'm really not sure which one to go with and maybe a public survey might be necessary...

AI Rules Feedback

Over the past month we've been testing the AI rules and refining them more and more, but slowly we're starting to think that maybe they are getting a little too convoluted for our taste.

Whilst they work really well and are fast to use for us, we think that maybe if they are played by someone that didn't design them they might not be that fast after all. Whilst we've given them to a couple of friends to playtest, we would like to have a bit more feedback before we release them.

We've uploaded the latest version of the AI rules in the early access folder and encourage you all to give them a try and give us some more feedback. :)


That's it for today, please provide us with feedback if you can, it would be really valuable to us!





I am assuming the "unit card" style refers to the example for battle brothers which currently just repeats Captain, Champion, Psychic. I like that layout as long each "block" underneath the table totally encompasses all options for a unit. In other words, Captain should not appear in more than one such header. I also like that the text is more spaced out, and there's no alternating gray shading. It looks really pleasing and clean. I know this means an army list will be 4-5 pages now, but I have never much cared about that...what I care about is the core rules being on 1 (or 2) pages for fast reference during the game.


There was a mistake with the versions, check the BB now and they should have the unit card style.


If you go with the unit card style, I suggest that you give the special abilities their own "cell," perhaps right below the unit's name. Right now they are listed along with the default equipment.


Personally, I don't see much value in "unit card"-styled entries. Cards are great for referencing during a game, but concise tables are the best way for organizing this kind of data in my opinion. I'd echo Wyloch that flipping back and forth for common items would be annoying. I'd prefer everything on a single page than to have a prettier layout.


So in the examples you prefer the AH v1 instead of the BB v7? It's definitely very tempting to stay with the current layout and invest all that time into other stuff instead of re-creating all the lists from scratch...