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Hi everyone,

Since I spent the last couple days without a computer I wasn't able to do any work on the project, so instead of adding anything to the Early Access folder today I'm going to give you an overview of our upcoming releases instead.

For this release guide I'm not going to go over things we already mentioned before like the Skirmish Campaign rules or the AI Rules, but instead only talk about things that haven't been discussed at length yet.

Black & White Rules

In order to facilitate printing for everyone we're going to be providing B&W versions of the core rules and the updated army books again. I'm still working on the exact layout in terms of borders and such, but you can expect them to be available by the end of this week.

Monthly Newsletter

This is something that we asked fans about in the Community Survey and got a very clear answer about, so we're going to be putting out a monthly newsletter soon. Honestly this is not a big priority, and we're still looking into how exactly we're going to create it, but you should expect an update on it soon.

Forum Domain

A long time ago we changed our website domain from onepagerules.wordpress.com to onepagerules.com, and for whatever reason we just didn't think about changing the domain name of our forum. We've been looking into it and it seems a little complicated but doable, so in the coming months you'll hopefully be using forum.onepagerules.com instead of onepagerules.proboards.com.

Gangs of Hive City

Players have been asking for pulp gang army books for GF: Firefight for a while now, and with the release of the new Campaign Rules we're finally going to be creating those. You can expect multiple gang houses with their own distinct personalities and a ton of weapon options, which are really perfect for narrative play.

One-Off Games

This is another thing that people asked for in the Community Survey, so we're going to be bringing back some of our old one-page games as well as produce a series of new ones. Expect the return of classics such as Double Tap and Grimdark future in new revised forms, as well as a series of new one-off games. These new games are basically a collection of smaller titles we usually create whenever we want to explore a specific idea or are excited by a particular new miniatures line, but don't feel like it makes sense to make a full big game out of it. Who knows though, maybe some of them become so popular that we do end up expanding on them in the future.

Halflings Army

There has been a ton of awesome new Halflings miniatures that have been released lately, and so we're going to provide players with a new Halflings army list for Age of Fantasy. The Halflings are usually really quirky and with a ton of personality, so it's going to be a really cool army to play with.

Big Balance Update

As part of the switch to the new army book layout we're taking this as an opportunity to revamp the balance of the game in many ways, without messing with the point calculation system too much. Basically we realize that no matter how well you try to balance things points wise, if certain units don't have access to certain rules then they're always going to be at a disadvantage no matter what. Expect most units to get a revamped set of weapon upgrades, as well as all spell lists to get a full overhaul so as to be more balanced and provide players with a useful toolkit for different situations.

OPR Merch

Another one that was part of the Community Survey, and honestly not a big priority at all. We know some players out there want merch, and we're going to look into how to produce it, but this might be something that will have to be delayed into 2020.

Tournament Guide

This is going to be another free add-on like the Play Tokens and the Campaign Rules, and you can expect something simple here. We're going to be releasing just a small guide on how to organize friendly tournaments with our games, ideas for different formats, playing with chess clocks, etc. all to lower the barrier for tournaments with our games.

Full Rulebooks for Firefight & Skirmish

By the end of the year we'd like to release Full Rulebooks for both of our skirmish games in order to give players a more comprehensive guide to playing the games, as well as a lot of extra content to try out. Some of the Advanced Rules like missions are going to overlap with the larger games, but else expect a set of completely new skirmish-focused Advanced Rules for you to play with.

Grimdark Future: Regiments

This is just a small thing, but like the have AoF: Regiments we're going to have GF: Regiments in the future. This is going to allow you to play faster games with the use of movement trays, as well as offer more tactical options with bonuses for shooting units in the flank/rear.

Future Game Expansions

We have a TON of ideas for future game expansions, and we're going to try to bring them to you still in 2019, but as you can see we already have our hands full with a lot of stuff so I'm not sure we'll be able to. Anyway you can expect expansions for things such as narrative campaigns, more complex narrative missions, random game generators, etc.

Physical Rulebooks 

The next few points are probably not going to be done by the end of 2019, but we're definitely going to give you some updates on them in the coming months. The first thing is the release of Physical Rulebooks for our games. The idea here is that we're going to make yearly "collections" of everything we released for a particular game, which players can then buy in physical form. We're also thinking that maybe we could have stand-alone digital versions too, but that's something we're going to have to experiment with in order to make sure not to devalue our Patreon.

OPR Game Jam

Something that we see in Video Games all the time but never saw for Miniature Games is the running of Game Jams. The idea of a Game Jam is simple: you have 48hrs to come up with a unique game based on a specific concept, and we think OPR lends itself perfectly for this. With our small format we think it's possible for people to create a one-page game of their own in 48hrs and then share it with the community for everyone to enjoy. This is probably going to happen in early 2020 and we're hoping that the community is going t be as excited about it as we are.

New Games

Last but not least, we're planning on working on the release of major new games that are completely unrelated to our existing ones. We have ideas for a ton of different things that we could do and are very excited to be finally working on something new, so you can expect updates on this soon because we're going to need a lot of community feedback. We're also thinking of maybe having a sort of "Making Of" approach to the whole thing, giving players a unique insight into the creation of miniature games from the concept phase to the final release. Anyway, probably only gonna happen in 2020.


That's it for today, hope you enjoyed this insight into our upcoming releases. If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, etc. about any of these let me know!




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