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I've just come back from a short vacation and am about to go off for another little vacation in a few days, but inbetween I'm trying to get together some time to work on the project.

I'll try to keep today's update short because I don't have much time, but that doesn't mean that it's not full of cool new stuff anyway. :D

OPR Play Tokens

Back in the day we used to have some very basic OPR play tokens we put together using icons we found online. These tokens were useful albeit not very pretty, so we've asked Brandon to put together a set of new tokens for everyone to enjoy.

Check them out here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hnR5uY9v5TqsAot9G4p_n5VxfNRv73QN/view?usp=sharing 

The tokens are 1"/25mm in size so they should be pretty easy to cut out and play. If you want to keep things simple you can print them on regular paper, stick them on a cereal box and then cut them out to get some fairly solid tokens, or else you can go a bit fancier and make some clear resin dome tokens.

Check out a tutorial here: https://youtu.be/CNPoyORCa3U 

You can find sets of 100 clear resin dome stickets for cheap on Amazon:

US - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01H5OUZ5I/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_U_cSaxDb5AC8J8P 

EU - https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B071994MF6/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_U_STaxDbS8TMPK6 

New Unit: Prime Light Walker

We've added a new unit for the Battle Brothers called the Prime Light Walker.

This is a lightweight version of the Prime Attack Walker that can Scout into battle and can be equipped with a Heavy MG Pistol to quickly take down enemies wild west style.

You can find the rules for it in the Early Access folder now.

Titan Lords Update

Inspired by Wyloch's awesome battle report we have decided to give the Titan Lords a couple of new options.

First if you run an army with only units from the Titan Lords, then you have the option to pass the turn to your opponent if he has more non-activated units than you. This gives the Titan Lord player some more flexibility whilst playing and makes the game a little more balanced.

Second you can now upgrade titans to be veterans, which gives them +1 to hit for melee and shooting. This allows you to run some extremely powerful titans that can absolutely obliterate their foes on sight, but it comes at an extremely high cost of 680pts, so make those shots count!

Other Updates

There are some small changes which are coming that we haven't been able to updates the files for, but I thought you might still be interested in knowing what's coming so here they are.

Mend - The Mend special rule is one of those things that we thought we were going to use a lot across armies, but truly we never did. Because of this we're going to remove it from the common special rules and armies that currently use it will have it as a custom flavored rule. This will also give us some space to replace it with a new special rule...

Relentless - There are a lot of armies in the game that have a "special weapons" version of their basic infantry, which usually is exactly the same except that it can upgrade all models with a special weapon instead of just one. In order to make those units feel a little more special they are all going to get the Relentless rule and have their point costs adapted. What does Relentless do? If you roll a 6 to hit when shooting you may roll one additional attack with the weapon. This doesn't stack so you can't generate infinite new attacks, and we think it will add a nice little twist to "special weapons" units.

Psychics/Wizards - This is just a little amendment we're going to make to the psychic/wizard rule, but basically in the future you can only cast spells before attacking. This is to avoid some weird cases where a psychic/wizard fights in melee and then teleports away before taking and return strikes.


That's it folks, as I said I'm trying to keep things short today, hope you enjoyed it!




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