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Hi everyone,

Once again a ton of things are happening here at OPR, so I'll try to keep this as brief as possible.

Discord Server

This is something a lot of people asked about but I never really had time to do it, but finally there is a Discord Server for OPR (though it's unofficial)!

Check it out here: discord.gg/krMaj7k 

Roll20 Playroom

In a sort of related note, we wanted to let you know that there's a Roll20 playroom that we created a while ago which we generally use for testing purposes.

If you want to use it, it's open for everyone. :)

Check it out here: app.roll20.net/join/764436/-QBVdw 

Battle Brothers Hero Miniature Released

As you probably know by now we've been working with The Maker's Cult on the creation of an exclusive Battle Brothers miniature for OPR.

Check out TMC here: https://www.patreon.com/themakerscult

We're glad to announce that the wait has finally come to an end and our very first miniature has been released on Thingiverse!

Check it out here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3794182 

We'll make a big announcement on Thursday about it and hopefully people will like it. :)

New Melee Changes

For those of you that haven't been paying attention to the discussion happening on the forum, we're currently in the process of re-working the melee rules a little.

The first important change that's coming is that in the future models won't be limited to only fighting in melee once per round, but can instead fight as many times as they want with the limitation of only hitting on 6+ after the first melee.

This change was made because we think that units not being able to fight back felt a bit weird, so now we treat units as just being tired after the first time they attack and that's why they don't fight as well. Note that units may still choose not to strike back if they want to so as to conserve their full strength attacks for another melee.

We also had to adapt the Pinning/Wavering rules a little, and now Pinned/Wavering units also only hit on rolls of 6+ (on top of auto-failing morale tests and staying idle for one activation).

Here the changelog:

General Rules

- Units that fought in melee once only hit on 6+ in melee for the rest of the round (instead of not being able to fight at all)

- Pinned units now hit on 6+ in melee (instead of getting -1 to hit)

Skirmish AI Rules

We've been messing around with the AI rules a little more and have created a new version for our skirmish games. There's really not much to say here, it's the AI rules, but adapted for skirmish. :P

The biggest difference is that there are now guidelines on how to deal with special movement rules such as pushing, dropping, leaping and jumping, but else it's pretty much the same.

Check them out in the Early Access folder!

New Skirmish Army

Whilst working on the skirmish AI rules we got thirsty for some new models, and so we started to work on a new army: Worshippers of the Spire.

This army consists of 6 different clans of worshippers, each with their own little quirks. They're part of the Havoc realm, so they can also be bolstered with units from the Havoc Warriors list for those that feel they need a little boost.

Right now this army is very much under construction and we're not really satisfied with their current special rules and weapon upgrades. The special rules are lacking in flavor and the weapon upgrades are lacking in variety, so we'll be working on those in the coming days.

I guess we should also mention that working on this army for Skirmish gave us inspiration to work on a new army for Firefight, but we'll have more news about that soon...

The Worshippers of the Spire are available in the Early Access folder now, check them out!

New Armybook Layout Preview

So whilst we don't want to go too much into this right now, we'd like to let you know that we've picked up work on the new layouts for the armybooks. :)

The new layout is just a small sample of the new Battle Brothers armybook, and as you can imagine nothing is final and the end result could be 100% different from this.

Whilst switching to the new layout for all armies we're also going to use this opportunity to update a lot of the unit stats, weapon upgrades, spells and more, but we'll go into detail about that soon.

We're also wondering if we should keep the current method where each army has its own individual book, or if we should put the armies together into fewer books (good/neutral/evil), but still haven't come to a conclusion. Your feedback on this is definitely appreciated!

In the meantime, please enjoy the preview which you can find in the Early Access folder.

Summer Vacations

Over the next couple of weeks I'll be going on vacation here and there for a few days as well as travel around europe, so I might not be as responsive as usual. I'm sorry for any inconvenience this might cause.

I'll also make an update on the main news page mentioning this, hopefully nothing burns down whilst I'm gone! :P

General Updates

Finally some general updates, nothing that really stands out though:

Grimdark Future

High Elf Fleets

- Elven King now has A3 in melee

Human Defense Force

- Fixed cost of Ogre squads


- Added a not about The Makers Cult collaboration

Orc Marauders

- Fixed AP value of Twin Super Machinegun on Attack Plane upgrade

- Fixed AP value of Heavy Cannon on Looted Tank upgrade

Robot Legions

- Fixed AP value of Antimatter Pistol on Robot Snakes upgrade

- Gloom-Protocol has been re-worked into an anti-psychic special rule

- Fixed casting value of Star Bots to be 5+

- Nanobot Wraith-Shards now start as level 1 psychics and can be upgraded to level 2 or 3

Age of Fantasy


- Fixed a typo with the Fear rule of some units (Skirmish)


That's all for now, hope you enjoyed the update!





I like the current layout where each army has its own "book" separate from the general rules because it's nice to just have two reference pages ready to go when I'm building an army: core rules and faction list. When I first started reading OPR, I liked being able to only download the lists that were relevant to my minis collection. That said, I think it would be cool to have a one-page list of recommended alliances, especially as you add new factions inspired by other IP. I could make up whatever alliances I want, but I always enjoy reading more content ;)