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Hey there,

We've been extremely busy over the last week, so today we have a bunch of new stuff to show you!

Hopefully you'll enjoy it. :)

The Maker's Cult Collaboration - Miniature Preview

As we already mentioned last week we've been working with the fine folks at The Maker's Cult on the creation of a new army for the Feudal Guard (check out TMC here: https://www.patreon.com/themakerscult)

What we didn't mention however is that we're also working with them on the production on a special 3D printed miniature for our games, based off the Grimdark Future cover art!

This is a miniature of a Battle Brother with a Pistol and Energy Sword, and it will come with options to be built in different poses.

Right now the main part of the armor is done, with the head and the weapons still missing. Anyway what we have so far already looks cool, and we're excited to see the final product. :)

You can find a preview of the miniature here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/19wQS5vlsMgByEXLF3KRuWwklQxG02PC8 

Skirmish Campaigns

Last week we showed you a first preview of the skirmish campaign rules, and this week we're happy to share with you the almost-final version of the campaign system!

We've added a ton of new content, with heroes now being able to specialize in one of 6 different classes, each with its own special rules. We tried to make each special rule feel unique so that you can create cool and interesting heroes for your armies.

Then we've added rules for buying upgrades and recruiting units, but truly the more interesting thing is that we've added 36 random events, which hopefully gives you enough variety to last a lifetime. :)

Finally we put an army sheet template at the end for you to print out. We tried to keep it as simple as possible without restricting players too much, so you can note things down however you prefer.

The skirmish campaigns have already been uploaded to the early access folder, so you can go check them out already and start creating epic narratives with your own campaigns.

AI Rules

Over the past week we've been obsessing about one thing and one thing only: the creation of AI rules for our games.

The AI system is a simple set of rules that allows you to play our games solo, coop, with mixed human and AI teams, or even just watch the AI fight against itself. Anything is possible!

We tried to keep the system as clear and as simple as possible, allowing players to quickly determine how the AI will act without having to flip through a ton of rules.

Honestly we think that these AI rules are a huge thing for OPR and will hopefully make it easier for people to try out the games for the first time and hopefully enjoy them.

They also solve one of the most common problems that many wargamers have: finding people that have the time, space, miniatures, etc. to actually play. Now if you want to throw together a quick game on a Tuesday night you can do that even if nobody else is available to play, awesome. :)

Currently the AI rules are still undergoing a lot of testing, so we're not sure when they'll actually be released to the public.

If you want to provide feedback after testing them out we have a dedicated thread on the secret forum where you can do that: http://onepagerules.proboards.com/thread/1257/ai-rules 

Melee Rules Changes... MAYBE

This is a bit of a smaller thing, but relevant nonetheless.

Lately we've been thinking about changing the melee rules again, because we are dissatisfied with the current version where units can only fight once per round. Whilst there is a good reason for why we made that change originally, over time we are finding that it doesn't feel quite right.

So, right now we're brainstorming on how to change the rules on the forum.

Here is our latest iteration:

- Units that fight in melee get a fatigue token, which means they need unmodified rolls of 6 to hit in melee.

- Units that are charged may choose to strike back (but don't have to).

- Pinned/Wavering units can't strike back.

What does this mean for you?

Basically with this new version units can fight in melee as many times as they want during each round, but after the fist combat they'll only hit on a roll of 6+.

Additionally units that don't want to get fatigued can also chose not to strike back, so they can then charge another enemy at full strength.

Finally units that are pinned/wavering can't strike back in melee, which can be really dangerous now.

Anyway, this is just an idea for now, so there might still be changes.

If you want to take part in the discussion you can do so in this thread: onepageruleses.proboards.com/thread/1265/new-melee-changes 

General Updates

Finally a bunch of patch notes for other things that are changing. The most important things here are that in skirmish games all models now act as individuals even if they were bought as a group, and that the prime brothers are being folded into the regular battle brothers list.

Firefight & Skirmish

- Models that are bough in groups now act as individuals once in game

- Clarified how moving up/down elevation works since it's more relevant in skirmish games

- Melee weapons can now split attacks between enemies within 2"

- Clarified how wound results work when a unit takes multiple wounds at once

- Units with Quality 5+ and 6+ can now get a little bonus to wound rolls by sticking together

Grimdark Future

Prime Brothers

- Prime Brothers are now part of the Battle Brothers army

- Detachments now have upgrade options for Prime Brothers

Wolf Brothers Detachment

- Fixed cost of Wolf Jet

Plague Brother Disciples

- Plague Brothers have Poison CCWs now and have more melee weapon options

- Plague Destroyers now have Plague Swords and can be upgraded with Plague Launchers

- Plague Drones now have 2 new weapon options


That's all for now, hope you enjoyed the update!





Just joined up to Tier 3, is there a way to link my forum account so I can look at/talk about the AI rules?


I have the same issue


Please send me a PM with both your forum username and e-mail address so that I can provide you with all accesses. Thanks for your support! :)