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Hi everyone,

Today I've been very working on a bunch of new stuff, so I'll try to keep things short in order not to overwhelm you with what's coming next!

The Maker's Cult Collaboration

We're super happy to announce that we're going to be collaborating with The Maker's Cult, a small team that's creating awesome 3D printable miniatures for wargames.

 Check them out here:  https://www.patreon.com/themakerscult  

We don't want to spoil too much about what's coming, so for now all we can reveal is that we're working on a new army list that's going with their Feudal Guard miniatures line.

The Feudal Guard serves as a standing army of heavily armored soldiers that take care of pesky infantry so that the Titan Lords can wreak havoc on the battlefield. They are tougher than regular HDF soldiers and come with a bunch of fun special rules for you to play around with. Oh, and did we mention that they hate psychics too? :D

You can find a preview of the Feudal Guard in the early access folder and here are some pictures for you to get a better look at the models in action:  https://i.redd.it/yz9jklo3i4731.jpg 

Skirmish Campaigns

At long last we're finally working on porting the skirmish campaign rules from 1p40k to v2.0 of our games (it's been almost 3 years since those were released, jeez).

I've not completed them yet however I've already put up a preview in the early access folder for you to look over and get a feel of where they're going.

At its core we want to keep the rules fairly similar, whilst adding a couple of new features here and there. There are now campaign goals that can help you score a couple of VP at the end of the campaign, and we're adding specializations for heroes so that they can earn some cool special abilities they can use in battle.

There is still a lot of work needed, especially when it comes to balance, but so far we feel that they are going in the right direction!

Skirmish Changes

In addition to the campaign rules we're also going to be changing a couple of other things about skirmish games to go with the update.

For one we're adding optional special movement rules, which you can already find in the early access folder. With these rules your units can do a bunch of cool stuff, such as push enemy units toward danger or leap onto them from up high.

We're also going to do something else that's completely new: all units are now going to be fighting as single models, so no more unit groups. This is something that players have been requesting for a long time, and we think it makes sense for a skirmish game.

In order to keep things balanced however some units will still be bought in groups, but then each model acts independently on the battlefield. We're also going to try and add some other smaller rules in order to balance out this sudden addition of more models, so keep your eyes peeled. :)

General Updates

Finally a bunch of patch notes for other things that are changing. I guess the things that matter here the most is that Spotting Lasers now give all friendly units a bonus until the end of the round, and we also re-worked the Deep-Sea Elves to be more fun.

Firefight & Skirmish

- Raised recommended point value to 250pts

- Added optional Special Movement rules for pushing, falling, dropping, leaping and jumping

Grimdark Future

Battle Brothers

- Support Brothers can now take Laser Cannons

Blood Brothers Detachment

- Fixed stats of Plasma Pistol and Gravity Pistol

- Fixed cost of Jetpack on Death Brothers

Human Defense Force

- Fixed cost of Fusion Rifles for Infantrymen and Special Weapons


- Fixed point cost of Soul-Snatcher units

TAO Coalition

- Spotting Lasers now improve shooting for all units until the end of the round (Firefight)

Age of Fantasy

Deep-Sea Elves

- Re-worked all Hero special rules

- Spirit Casters can now be upgraded to Wizard(2)

- Wizards now have access to a new spell list

- Re-worked weapons of Blind Servants and Blind Reavers

Rift Daemons

- Cerberus Hound and Blood Hounds can now be upgraded with different collars

- Lust Harpist now has upgrades to summon friendly units or banish enemy units


That's all for now, hope you enjoyed the update!





So much good stuff. Thank you.


Awesome! That new faction is just the sort of thing I was looking for to complete my knights... i mean lords...