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Hi there,

I've just updated the Early Access folder with a couple of new files for you to check out, with a new faction for Grimdark Future as well as a preview of the new Point Calculator layout.

New Faction: Infected Colonies

Since we released the Dwarf Guilds and Ratmen Clans we keep getting requests to make rules for a couple of armies and archetypes. One of the top requested ones is that of soldiers infected by some sort of viral strain that turns them into brutal killing machines, so we decided to add an army for that to Grimdark Future.

The Infected Colonies army consists mainly of various forms of infected HDF soldiers and infected wildlife, with a few larger beasts and vehicles that act as heavy support. The army relies mainly on short ranged weapons and melee strenght, so expect to throw a lot of bodies at your enemies to overwhelm them in close combat.

It was actually really fun to build this army as it gave us the chance to create a couple of interesting units and special rules, such as the Boomers which explode when killed in melee, and the Infecion rule which weakens the enemy and can spread amongst units that stick close together.

Give the army a try and make sure to give your feedback on the forum!

New Point Calculator Layout

This is still very much a WIP, but you can take a look at the status of the new Point Calculator's layout in the Early Access folder to get a feel for what it's going to be like in its final status.

The Point Calculator consists of 2 parts, the actual calculator and then the guidelines section. The calculator is already done, and it contains everything you need to create your own units and weapons, as well as point costs for all common and army special rules.

The guidelines section is not done yet, however for this new version we're looking to expand it substantially to give you a better idea of how armies are built in our games, as well as answer some of the most frequest questions we have been getting about the point calculator.

Finally once everything is ready we'll add some illustrations into the mix, just to make things look a little prettier for everyone. :)


That's it for today's update. You can expect the Infected Colonies to be released at the end of the month and we'll try to have the Point Calculator done by then too.





How do I get to the early access folder?

Spencer E

Awesome! I don't play Infected Colonies, personally, but I know a number of folks who do, who will be stoked for this. And I do have one of their vehicles, so maybe I'll take that with a Ratmen Clans army.