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Hi guys,

I'm really excited because today's update is big.

Maybe not big in size but it's big for our games and everyone that loves them.

I've just uploaded the first draft of the new Grimdark Future Rulebook to the secret folder, and if you are too impatient to read this post and want to check it out immediately I totally understand, go ahead and do that. :)

For those of you that can wait a little longer, here is why I'm so excited about this update:

As most of you already know we've been working with Brandon Gillam from Runehammer on the creation of new cover art for our games.

What most of you didn't already know however is that we've also been working with Brandon to add a ton more visual upgrades to our rulebooks.

The new versions of our rulebooks are filled with awesome illustrations, as well as having a new frame and background texture to make everything look better.

We've also gone ahead and changed the layout of the rulebooks from scratch, using different fonts, a different structure, and generally polished everything to bring you the best version of our rulebooks that we could.

On top of that we are also adding a ton of new advanced rules sections for you to mess around with in your games. These include:

- Fog of War rules for random deployment, random activation order and random game length, which keep players on their toes at every step of the game.

- Command & Control rules that add a whole new layer of strategy to the game by giving your heroes the ability to activate units out of phase order and disrupt enemy communications.

- Combat Stress rules to simulate the effects of sustained fire and death on the psyche and combat effectiveness of your units.

- Advanced Damage rules that make games even more brutal by adding unit attrition from comat as well as critical hits that represent how vehicles fall apart as they take damage.

- Advanced Actions which give players more options of what they can do with their units (hunker down, defensive stance, take aim, heavy charge, overwatch).

- Small-Scale Game rules for those that prefer to use 6mm/10mm/15mm models as well as those that want to play with 28mm multi-based models.

On top of all of those rles we are also going to make some core rule changes as well as some special rule changes, however those new changes have not been added yet.

Next week you can look forward to a preview of the new Age of Fantasy rulebook, as well as these new rule changes (which we'll explain in detail then).


- Gaetano



You really are on a roll.


Looks pretty sweet. You should be chuffed!


Those are some cracking additions. Can’t wait to give them a go.


After you finished what I wanted most, the other flavor of armies you posted, I considered pulling my support as I had what I wanted and you were paid... But you keep cracking away at this awesome stuff, hammering out a game that so many could play, that I'm proud to be your patron. Thank you, keep up the good work.