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Today we're going to give you a small update on some changes that are coming to the core rules which will be coming out with the 3rd wave. Each one of these changes individually is not much, but everything together is going to definitely affect the game so check them out:

- Mission setup is now done before deployment

- Objectives remain captured even if the unit moves away

- For dangerous terrain you now roll as many dice as Tough(X)

- Clarified that units that strike back can't charge afterwards

- Clarified that poison and rending have effect on an unmodified roll of 6

- Pinned unit now get -1 to hit instead of not striking back (reverting the previous change)

The changes to mission setup, deployment and objective capturing were all made to add more strategy to the game and make things more dynamic. Now that units don't have to stick around an objective after they captured it they are more likely to move around and be useful somewhere else. This is especially important for melee focussed armies, since they don't have to just sit there and get shot at whilst holding objectives.

The changes to dangerous terrain were made primarily with the phalanx rule in mind. Right now if an infantry unit charges a unit with phalanx, then they could potentially be wiped out, whilst monsters and chariots only stand to take 1 wound. By changing the rules to deal D3+1 wounds they are more likely to take some serious damage from phalanx, making spear units relevant again.

That's it for now, next week we'll be releasing the 3rd wave and then we'll update you on future changes again. :)


- Gaetano


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