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Hi there,

Another quick update, just added 5 more 3rd wave armies to the secret folder:

- Beastmen

- Deep-Sea Elves

- Kingdom of Angels

- Ogres

- Rift Daemons

Additionally I have also finished the point cost calculation for the 7 new GF armies and you can find them in the folder as well. Note that I'm adding sub-folders to keep things a little more organized and easy to find.

Next up I'll be working on re-working all of the existing armies due to the new point cost update, and I'll be releasing them in small waves too. :D





I continue to be glad that you guys march towards full release. Really feels like 2019 could be a break-out year if you all keep delivering, and we all keep helping to provide exposure. By the way if you still haven't lined up artists, I have published three D&D modules on the DM's Guild - check out their covers. ..I commissioned those out, and if you like their style, I can relay the artists' contact information to you. They were great to work with, in my experience. Just lemme know.


Right now I'm already working with someone for the covers, but if everything goes to play I'll need a lot more art in the future, so maybe then I'll get in touch. :)