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2nd Edition is here!

Hello everyone, It is with great plasure that today we can finally announce the release of 2nd edition! Today we have updated the rulebooks and army books to the newest edition, as well as made some additions to the patreon in order to accomodate the new changes.


Spencer E

Huzzah! Congrats, and I look forward to gaming with these rules, soon. IronMike from the forums and I have already scheduled for next Monday. When/Where will the Full Rulebook be available?


Thanks great

Spencer E

Gaetano, just FYI, the link for AoFS Chivalrous Kingdoms takes you to the file for the AoF Chivalrous Kingdoms list.




Great news; though I have one question, do you not add your Psychic Level to your die roll when attempting to block a psychic power? I think I am reading this correctly.


Correct, that is done to balance out the fact that you can now dispel an unlimited amount of times.