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Hello people,

I'm going to try and keep this brief, so here's a rundown of what's new in the latest beta release:

- Poison was re-named to Corrosive to make it more generic

- Psychic spells are now cast with D6+X instead of 2D6+X

- Fear was modified again, hopefully it should be pretty clear now

- A new special rule was added called Mend

That's it for the core rule changes. What's more important however is that I have finally converted the first army into the new edition with the Battle Brothers.

As already discussed before in order to speed up the transition from 1st edition to 2nd edition, we are going to crowdsource the point calculation of units in the game. This first army will serve as a test in order to see if this system actually works and we can use it in the future.

Link to the forum post: http://onepagerules.proboards.com/post/6286/thread

In other news we have been working on getting some new diagrams for the full rulebook and so far it's looking pretty good, more on that as it develops.





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