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Hello everyone,

After the massive post that I made last time I am coming back at you with something much shorter, but no less important.

Beta 6

This latest release brings some good news and some bad news.

The good news is that I have modified the following rules:

- Fear: the new version is cleaner and more intuitive, affecting the chance that units have to win in melee

- Immobile: added this new rule to allow for units that can't move in the future

 - Psychic: changed the way it works to allow for more interesting gameplay with casting and blocking of spells, as well as giving armies their custom psychic powers again

The bad news is that as I've started working on the actual army books, I realized that the idea of making all special rules common across all armies is not going to be possible and will just make the game less interesting. Because of that we are back at the old format, and armies will have their own special rules (though I will try and keep those down to a minimum).

Full Rulebook

The full rulebook has been updated with all of the advanced rules, bringing it very close to completion. I have started contacting designers, illustrators and miniature makers in order to add a lot more pictures to the book, giving it a lot more flavor in the future.

Army Books + Point System

As I wait to arrange all of the imagery for the full rulebook I am going to start working on the army books, which will go hand in hand with completing the point system as new special rules are introduced.

There are two things that I'd like you to know about the army books:

1) I am experimenting with different layouts for them, so they might end up looking very different from what we have right now.

2) I am thinking of crowd sourcing the point calculation of each army, which would hopefully speed up the releases significantly.

What do you think about this?


Anyway that's it for now, happy wargaming!




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