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This month our friends at The Beholder Miniatures were so kind to provide all of our Tier 2 patrons with the following gift:

  • Sephirya, Queen of the Moor

Here are some words from The Beholder Miniatures:

"One Sin for Seven Kingdoms is a collection of figures in a high fantasy universe by The Beholder Miniatures. Every month they feature new units for the different factions of 1S7K on Tribes and Patreon.

Their miniatures are designed with care and attention to detail for the best printing and painting experience. They recreate the main races from classic fantasy that you can integrate with your favorite game system.

Today they bring us Sephirya, the sovereign of the Silvermoor Elves. Her regal demeanor and strategic prowess make her a formidable leader and a symbol of elven grace. Adorned in ornate armor and wielding ancient artifacts of power, she is ready to defend her realm against any threat."

Make sure to check out these links:

Check out their release for June!

Don't miss out on their full lineup of models!




Todd N Turrill

Any timeline to start working on HumanDefenseForce? Working on painting my Ratmen(AoF) and would like to print a GrimDark army next.