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In June we'll be starting with the release of the Shadow Stalkers. This otherworldly faction emerges from the labyrinth with a mix of shadowy denizens and strange beasts. We also have the fourth release for the High Elf Fleets. Two elite units and plenty of nobles to back them up.

*** Due to some delays we don't currently have renders of the Shadow Stalkers. We apologize for this delay as we're working hard on making sure the models are as good as possible before release. We'd rather a delay to make sure the Shadow Stalkers are the best they can be, than to rush and and get them wrong in some way. This post will be updated as those models become finalized. ***

Be sure to join our Patreon to get our May Rewards!

May New Release

June will be the first release of the Shadow Stalkers. The Scourges along with the Scourge Champion are stealthy soldiers, using their natural desire to keep to the shadows to their advantage. The Hounds and Great Hound are faithful companions to the Shadow Stalkers in the strange universe they now find themselves in. Quickly they move ahead of the force to engage the enemy with ripping claws and poisonous bites. The Great Screecher is a much larger denizen from the Labyrinth and deadly master of magic.

For the High Elf Fleets, the Guardian Cleric is a Noble hero who prefers to protect soldiers while they wage war. Using technology to ward off blows that would otherwise have fell those in the retinue. The Sniper Noble takes aim with an elven sniper rifle, experience, and skill from a long life making their shots deadly accurate. The Revenants and their Noble are specialists in taking down heavy armor foes in combat. Their Energy weapons slicing through defenses like they were made of paper. The Retributors use specialized shard carbines with a longer range to take advantage of their training, remaining accurate at those longer distances.

Also coming in June for the High Elf Fleets is the Elemental Avatar, which storms across the battlefield cutting through foes with its Flame Sword and its Gaze of Doom.

In June, we're also releasing the The Forest Platforms Terrain. It is designed with resin printing in mind, and features modular pieces that can be combined to create a large walkways of elevated positions within a forest setting.

For our 2D releases, you'll see Human Empire - Set #4 as well as Blessed Sisters - Set #7 and both of those faction's terrain sets. The 2D models are a great way to prepare armies for games quickly!

You'll also get 8 Short Stories with Missions, 4 Game Missions, and access to the beta preview for Age of Fantasy: Quest!

3D Print Rewards (1 legend + 75 models + 88 bases + 18 game aids + 13 Terrain):

  • Shadow Stalkers - Scourge Champion x3

  • Shadow Stalkers - Scourges x18

  • Shadow Stalkers- Shadow Hounds x4

  • Shadow Stalkers - Great Hound x1

  • Shadow Stalkers - Great Screecher x1

  • Shadow Stalkers - Themed Bases x44

  • Shadow Stalkers - Gaming Aids x9

  • High Elf Fleets - Guardian Noble x6

  • High Elf Fleets - Revenant Noble x3

  • High Elf Fleets - Sniper Noble x3

  • High Elf Fleets - Revenants x21+1

  • High Elf Fleets - Retributors x14

  • High Elf Fleets - Themed Bases x44

  • High Elf Fleets - Game Aids x9

  • Forest Platforms Terrain x13

  • GF: Warfleets - Progenitors Fleet x4

2D Print Rewards:

  • Human Empire - Set #4

  • Blessed Sisters - Set #7

  • Human Empire Terrain

  • Blessed Sisters Terrain

Games Rewards:

  • 4 Game Missions

  • AoF: Quest (beta)

Lore Rewards:

  • 8 Short Stories + Missions!

The above is only the new stuff that's being added next month, so you're also getting a ton of other welcome pack minis, a 50% discount code for our MyMiniFactory store, games, and much more!

Project Roadmap

In July even more Shadow Stalkers find themselves lost in Tyria. The Specters and Specter Champion have a more ethereal form in this plane. They use shadow wands to attack their foes at range with magic, and can disappear into the shadows only to reappear in a different location. The Butchers are much larger citizens of the Labyrinth with an extra set of limbs, giving them the ability to hold larger and more deadly weapons. The Terror Beast is a massive creature of muscle and bony growths. Able to be ridden by the shadow stalkers, its missive frame can cut holes through the enemy lines like a scythe through a field.

For the High Elf Fleets in July, the Shifters and Shifter Noble teleport into the battle. The extra mobility they get from their Shifter Suits allow them to blink closer to the enemy to deliver their devastating payload. Their Web Rifles shoot out nets that easily cut through armor and split apart those trapped inside. The Vanquishers and Vanquisher Noble are long range heavy gunners, firing off rocket salvos that pour down like rain. While they're still highly mobile when they need to be, they're at their best when standing still to focus on delivering their explosive storm. Lastly the Combat Walker is a scalpel in the war fleet. Able to be equipped with a large selection of heavy weapons, it can fill any role a general needs it to while also being tough to take down.

Also in July is the Epic Soul Daemon for the Daemons of Lust. With so many gems and fine fabrics this serpentine daemon is a beautiful but dangerous vision to behold, unfortunately for the enemy there's not time to stare as it attacks with its large cleaving spear and massive cannon.

Here is the roadmap for the next few months:

  • July - Shadow Stalkers & High Elf Fleets

  • August - Shadow Stalkers & High Elf Fleets + New Loyalty Rewards

  • September - Shadow Stalkers & High Elf Fleets

That's it for now, happy wargaming!

- OPR Team



Mark Stone

That's a lot of high elves...

The Storyteller

those shadowstalkers look great