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Alrighty the animation for the Rarity set is here! 

So far I think this is the one I'm the most happy with. As far learning new things this was quite a good week.

First of all the main thing being using the graph editor for blender which I had been scared of using up until now but if I wanted everything to start looking smoother and not so stiff when moving from one pose to another. So knock on wood, hopefully going forward learning to use the graph editor to a better degree will significantly better my animation.

Another great thing that I didn't so much learn this week but finally decided to start implementing was "proxies" for better performance while posing and animating.

While this is something I never bothered with since for the most part I didn't mind the slow down in viewport performance because I was only making static images, now that I'm engaging in animation proxy models are a lifesaver.

Now I don't have to render out a preview of the animation every couple of minutes to see if my timing in between frames is good, now its way easier to view from inside blender.

Overall despite not having much time these weeks due to real life factors I thankfully managed to use my free time to implement a lot of the new things I've been learning for blender and this has by far been my favorite animation I've made.

Of course all of your feedback is welcome and if you think the animation is shit do not hesitate to let me know.

Now if you excuse me I'm gonna take a quick 5 minute break before getting back into doing the rest of work I have backed up.

See you all in the next one, Space Cowboys.



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