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  • 4K Roxanne Weekly Poll 4.mp4



Alright and the winner of the weekly poll was none other than Roxanne Wolf!

Really glad she won not gonna lie, I have a crush on her and plus I got to work with this amazing model made by TerrAxy! 

Go drop them a follow on their twitter account: https://twitter.com/Terr_Axy

Also I'm very interested in getting into animation and going forward I plan on incorporating it into this patreon. Although I still have everything to learn about animation, I will say I haven't been this excited about learning something since I started working with SFM and Blender.

Any and all criticism is absolutely welcome especially animation wise. I made this loop in a week and while still very rough all around I like how it turned out.

I will say this, I'll probably leave animations as more of a monthly thing since doing an animation weekly right now is going to be tough and really rushed.

Anyways hope y'all like this weeks poll winner and remember these works will be public on my twitter in a week!

Until next time!





The model looks soooo good!