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EDIT: I will be pausing for August as well. I plan to unpause for September, so stay tuned!


So, with July just around the corner, I would like to remind y'all that I will be PAUSING FOR JULY. 

I plan to use this month to catch up on all the outstanding work from Patreon, including the $5/$10 polls, the Personal Patreon Polls, and any other pics I owe. I'm hoping it'll only take July, but I might have to pause August too, depending on much work I have left.

Now, I won't be uploading any work until AFTER the pause, so please don't unpledge if you want to see the work! It'll be business as usual when I come back, but I might make some changes after that, (but I'm not 100% what my situation will be) so please stay tuned! Also I'll still be around on discord, so if you have any questions please feel free to hit me up!

Otherwise, I hope everyone has a good July! I know times are rough, and I want to thank you all for continuing to support me! It's literally keeping me alive at this point so I can't express how grateful I am to you all!



The Writer of Timelines

Thanks for telling us, but don't push yourself too hard ok? We appreciate all you and want you to be ok.

The Writer of Timelines

Your very welcome, just artist to artist. You can nearly kill yourself on perfection for one piece. It can really get to you mentally. So please do so at your own pace and with plenty of breaks for fun, food, etc. Just don't feel like we need you to be an abdl artwork printer.

The Writer of Timelines

I'm also here if you need to talk as well. My ears are ready to listen and my arms open. I have been through most everything and have advice and wisdom on most everything. Just give me a dm and I will gladly chat. Just know that i too work digilently and am a lab assistant helping out with covid. So please note that I may not speak to you immediately but am good with dms.


Well, no problem. At least life in the world is already acquiring its former appearance, it seems to me ... Well, of course not in all countries so far, which is sad. Have a wonderful vacation!

Mikael Call

The end times are upon us!


Maybe have a better work schedule worked out for when you come back too.


Maybe unpledge if you're not happy with my Patreon? I think I've been pretty clear about updating y'all on delays and such, and plus with the GLOBAL PANDEMIC affecting everyday life you have to expect some things taking priority over others.

The Writer of Timelines

Listen here you peice of ungrateful sludge. 34 is doing all he can to sate the insatiable hunger of their fans. Your want for structural artwork schedules is both stupid and self centered. Art takes time. And all art takes different time frames, my art can be done in 1 hour or 1 week, it all depends on what the art is and how I feel about it. This is the same as all artists for their work. So why don't you quiet your want for a printable calendar schedule for 34 art Karen, and enjoy what you get. They work hard for us, show some appreciation damn it. Sorry 34 for this person's inconsiderate comment.


Love the energy...but that might be coming on a little too hot there, buddy, lol. Appreciate the assist but please allow me to respond to the comment.


I'm not even a patron. Havent been for months. Even before the pandemic, you havent had the best schedule, and now that it's here, I can't really see how it would affect your work considering you draw at home. Regardless, if the pandemic really is screwing you over, that sucks, but this was a problem long before then. As for you Mr. Timelines, if you're gonna blow up at someone suggesting something as simple as that, you need to check yourself before you wreck yourself. I'm sure I've been following this situation a lot longer than you, and your coddling isnt helping.


Huh, for some reason Patreon's still saying you are a pledge in the pop-up window: https://i.imgur.com/371kkac.png And I have other things going on in my life, this isn't the only thing I have to do, lol. Like I've said, I know I've been behind on my works, and I've always been open about that for people to communicate and such. Not everyone's in the same situation, like Timelines said, Art does take time.

The Writer of Timelines

Look mate. I'm sorry if I came off too hot. I'm very passionate on this subject. Art is not some product you can easily rush send mass produce, each one is like a child you make with your own hands. I can't get into the commission business because of that. Customers love art, but want it fast. You hit a trigger for me Sol, that's why I responded like that. I'm sure your a good person, and as for coddling, I just have massive respect for those who have the patience to do commissions and comic art as a job. My coddling is more sympathizing the tough job 34 has. That is unless you are an artist who does the same thing as 34. If that is the case I would love to see your work. As a fellow artist, maybe your criteria for scheduling comes from how you can make great art on routine, if so i will respect your words more and wish to see your art.


I understand that art takes time, I know that just as well as any other artist, but that doesnt mean you can't improve the schedule you have now. First you change the 5 and 10 tiers to lessen the load, but that wasnt enough. I'm telling you this for your own good, you decided to draw for a living, and unless you want to continuously take pauses like this, something has to change.


I mean, I do have plans in motion to change my Pateron up a bit, I'll just move forward with them AFTER the pause, lol.

The Writer of Timelines

it hurts me to hear that you will still be paused for August, I turn 21 on the 4th of August. I understand however, do what you must, i will remain here, patient.