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Heyhey, as always, this is open to all pledges, and having a higher pledge does NOT give you special priority!

The rules are as followed:

- 1-2 characters max

- Fanart/OCs are acceptable

- Backgrounds are acceptable

- Must have reference/link for all characters in order to apply

- Those who are selected for this month may not suggest the following month

- Standard rules apply (no gore, scat, underage)




Mereleona Vermillion from Black Clover, https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/vsbattles/images/a/a7/Mereoleona_Black_Clover.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/340?cb=20190820183833 getting her wet pull up checked by Noelle https://i.pinimg.com/originals/22/8e/9f/228e9fc1b2a5a63ccdd3b8f283cfb9b2.jpg


Rika Nonaka [Aged-Up] and Renamon from "Digimon" Setup: Rika and Renamon are spending Christmas together; with Rika being the "baby" and Renamon being "mommy". After a fun day of dinner, treats, and presents; Rika drifts off and Renamon must put her to bed. Scene: Rika is sleeping soundly, with a small smile on her face, in a bed. She sleeps on her right side, holding a Gatamon plushie in her arms. Rika is wearing a diaper, red t-shirt, and red booties with white cuffs. Renamon is sitting at the foot of Rika's bed, admiring her precious little bundle. She looks down on her with a warm smile. Renamon is wearing a diaper, and a purple sweater. Rika Nonaka ( https://i.pinimg.com/originals/57/39/74/573974d05c6a2df9d5742c90db2bd48d.jpg ) Renamon: ( https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/digimon-tamers/images/d/d6/A5b1d6b258ad0896ed75296a3a921122.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20170329001037 ) Gatamon Plushie Idea ( https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/WPAAAOSwGdtcf3Gk/s-l300.jpg )


Could you draw Sunset Shimmer from Equestria Girls ( https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/mlp/images/a/ab/Sunset_Shimmer_ID_EGDS2.png/revision/latest?cb=20171106005307 ) in a diaper / adorable onesie locked into a high-chair, arms pinned at her side, being force fed baby food she clearly doesn't enjoy?


An aged up and diapered Marnie, from SwSh, getting carried off to a new home after getting scooped up in her baby gear by a cramorant playing as a stork in this scene. Marnie: https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/3/30/Sword_Shield_Marnie.png cramorant: https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/f/f3/845Cramorant.png/1200px-845Cramorant.png

Philthy Senpai

Mikoto from Fire Emblem Fates and Rhea from Fire Emblem 3H, both sharing a playpen. Mikoto looks empty-minded, playing with building blocks, smiling and drooling while Rhea is just sitting there, brain drained, wide-eyed and drooling. They would be wearing small t-shirts, barefoot, in diapers and messy hair. Mikoto - https://sta.sh/017q9bjlm6p0 Rhea - https://sta.sh/028kffen81o8 Small shirts ike so - https://sta.sh/0x9pfwpix8g sitting in these poses - https://sta.sh/0156tp37k5jp (Mikoto would be left and Rhea would be Right)


Sunset Shimmer, hypnotized & being pulled by a leash by Adagio Dazzle. She tells Sunset she'll be able to show off her used diaper to all her friends & that they'll soon be joining her. Sunset: https://derpicdn.net/img/view/2019/10/12/2166699.png Adagio: https://derpicdn.net/img/view/2019/6/17/2067635.png


Shield Chan vores Marnie. Both only wearing diapers. Marnie gets digested and added to Shield Chan’s diaper. Shield Chan: https://marriland.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Player_Character_Girl_Official_Art-288x600.png Marnie: https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/532/642/65b.jpg


Rika Nonaka https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/digimon/images/7/7a/Rika_Nonaka_t.gif/revision/latest?cb=20091119030403 and Jeri Katou https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/digimon/images/1/18/Jeri_Katou_t.gif/revision/latest?cb=20120110153224 (aged up) from Digimon Tamers diapered and bound to a machine that is ruthlessly spanking their bottoms, while a couple tubes from above are pumping foul tasting Laxatives into their unwilling mouths. Their partners Renamon and Leomon (offscreen but dialogue between them is shown [you can pick the dialogue, I trust that it will be better than anything I can come up with]) are the ones who put them in this fix in order to turn them into their baby slaves. Rika is defiant, Jeri is starting to give in, and both are clearly not enjoying it.


A grown up Street Angel (Jesse Sanchez) with a soggy/full diaper poking out from her ripped jeans. https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-NDTgRLd8yaM/WotrXHoAVZI/AAAAAAAAdlo/wXlOa0F9kUs49J40AItgbAEc9NxGB7ISACLcBGAs/s1600/StreetAngel.png


Korra is restrained lying down in diaper bondage with a really thick diaper and she's being tickled relentlessly by robotic hands. she's laughing really hard and begging for it to stop, but she gets tickled so much that she wets her diaper, making it even thicker. Asami taunts her from offscreen (dialogue is up to you) https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/ufHMjP9vpXnvxNOuMsihQG31SXs=/0x45:1526x1062/1400x1400/filters:focal(0x45:1526x1062):format(png)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/42495172/legendofkorra_review_main_1108.0.0.png


Nora Valkyrie being taken on a very embarrassing walk through the park, trying to complain through her pacifier, wearing a bonnet, booties, a very thick diaper, and a baby version of her outfit. https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/all-worlds-alliance/images/5/5d/RWBY_Amity_Arena_RWBY_%26_JNPR_Character_Artwork_0-18_screenshot.png/revision/latest?cb=20181120100317


I’d like a pic of Zero Suit Samus crammed into a large Christmas present box and bound up with ribbon while wearing an extremely large, full diaper. She should visibly be struggling to escape her bonds, to no avail. https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/dimensional-heroes/images/4/41/Zero_Suit_Samus.png/revision/latest?cb=20180310191225 https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/040/458/549.png https://www.ssbwiki.com/images/f/f0/Zero_Suit_Samus_SSBU.png https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/metroid/images/1/17/Zerosuitothermrender.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150704032738


Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff have had a long night in their cribs, relaxing from all the stress that comes from being super heroines who can't use a toilet. So now, they've both got exposed (and used) diapers, both pink and red, with little "A"s like the Avengers symbol decorating them. Wanda has a ABDL t-shirt on and is yawning, while Natasha's got a pacifier necklace, a pink bra, and is stretching. Just two casual big baby super heroines up from their naps. Wanda: https://www.deviantart.com/seseyaki/art/Pietro-Wanda-maximoff-534058432 Natasha: https://www.deviantart.com/randompedestrian/art/Natasha-310702127 (General idea for Natasha's pose https://www.deviantart.com/theowlcan/art/Wake-Up-Tsunade-676713529)


Satsuki https://imgur.com/a/hLawtFM Nonon https://imgur.com/a/ZvAfnGq both from Kill la Kill. Stasuki is dressed as a diapered princess that doesn't seem too happy about her new pampered lifestyle while Nonon dressed as a babyslave jester who is forced to try her hardest to cheer Satsuki up so that they don't get in trouble from their owners. You're free to add on dialogue and other cute ideas you might have in mind. Also if you need refs for jester outfits that are not stock photos, heres a search minus the hardcore nsfw work and repeat characters on gelboooru. WARNING there are NSFW ads along with pictures of busty girls on this website so if you don't want that showing on your stream then it would be safer to just google the refs. LINK: https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=jester_cap+-clownpiece+-nights_%28character%29+-harley_quinn+-marx+-tsukuyomi_%28chrono_cross%29+-kirby+-anus+-sex+-vagina+-pussy+-penis+-panties_under_leotard&pid=0