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I hate that I don't remember what I felt during this video because this was so many videos ago. Probably just love all of them. As I should. I also don't remember in which sequence I watched this video. If I started with this or not. Lmao anyway...



I love when you zoom, and listen, ok - so I was over here full screena nd leaning really close to my computer with the zoom hahahahaha - but it's fun because also I was watching Mark and then all of a sudden he was gone and I remembered you were not actually focusing on him but on Jaehyun hahahaha - so it's good because I will have a tendency to get my eye pulled and literally NOT be able to see the other members at certain parts so I get to see them now hahahaha


I love the zoom-ins haha


OMG I've never noticed this until the zoom in portion of the video but how the hell did Yuta get those glasses to stay on his head the entire video??


same hahah i have a tendency to focus on mark