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Hello besties

Most of you probably know by now that we have had major technical difficulties these last weeks. To put it simply, the computer couldn’t handle everything we were asking it to do. Videos/live streams were laggy, not recorded properly or sometimes would just quit all together. It literally crashed and didn’t want to start up again and more.

What we want to say is that our new computer has finally, finally arrived so recording will be going much smoother and more content will be filmed and uploaded. We are slowly getting into a new routine of recording more and getting used to the new space. Our schedule is also less packed now which also helps a lot.

On another note, our dearest Esosa has fallen ill and she is taking some much needed rest this week. While she is focusing on recovering we hope you understand that recording will resume starting from next week.

We 100% understand anyone who is frustrated or confused right now, and we are so sorry for the lack of updates. It is not like us and we are so sorry if we have disappointed any of you. Thank you so much for your understanding and support always. It means the world to us.

Thank you

Differently Alike 💚🩷


Jason Tarr

Get well soon Esosa, sending good vibes 💗


Will we get a new update soon