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I had a lot of pain in my eyes while I was working on the Coco's animations the last days, I actually always had problems with my eyes and lights and stuff like that, but the doctor said that from now I should not work too much on the computer or the health of my eyes could be compromised.

I will basically do short animations but more impactful, like the Sombra's one, if you remember, so I will be sure to bring some content instead of long introductions etc!

The main change is of course that the quantity of drawings will incerase to balance the situation, I was thinking to ask to bring 6 drawings every month, while I will still stay here animating around and bring the best I can do with animations, I will put love in them

I will end the Coco's animation this month, but I have to cut the time expensive scenes

The month of august will have 0 animations and 4 draws (lower tier), 8 draws (higher tier) + previews



My tipp for you is, get blue-ray-filtering glasses like these ones (https://www.amazon.com/-/de/dp/B01GNO3G48/ref=sr_1_6?__mk_de_DE=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&dchild=1&keywords=blue+light+filter+glasses&qid=1625764469&sr=8-6)


the blue light is often the thing that hurts your eyes. It did for me 2 when I started my office job where I work on computers all day. But since I got mine, my eyes are fine again.


Sorry about your eyes I hope you be ok.