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Looks that the computer are not working very well, I maybe need sometime to repair it, hours or somedays, so, You will still get the animation even whitout paying the next month, since I will maybe stop Patreon for a month, you will receive the animation via link when ready in pvt chat!

About 6 dollars tier: I will give you a lot of previews when the computer will be ready, I was thinking 1 for every day, or even more! But when I will be ready again, you will still receive the animation the next month "if" I can't repair the computer soon



If you need help, just hit us up. It is literally my job to repair PCs.


thank you very much, I appreciate it, I think they are problems related to the heaviness of the animation, I am very sad but I think it is a problem that can be solved, if I can't I will have to delay everything a bit, but without making everyone pay next month of course , thanks again for the help! :)