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...but exhaustion is starting to creep up on me.  Problems I need to solve at work tend to follow me home.  So most of it's just mental fatigue.  But I always look forward to creating new content for you.  Thank you for your support.  I feel very lucky to have you. 👍



So sorry to hear about the exhaustion, but at least it sounds temporary. Until it passes, the PFF wrestlers would be happy to dress up as cheerleaders wearing short skirts and sweaters with boob windows and fight each other to cheer you up.


January and February might be rough again, but on the whole, I estimate I've got about 15 months left before a change happens. Either I'll move to part-time or step away all together.


Hope the energy levels return...do NOT use Dee's patented "Monster energy drinkz n Twinkiez" milk shakes cause those things will fuel a Saturn V


😆I actually have to watch how much caffeine I have because it'll trigger a migraine. So no caffeinated pop or coffee for me.