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I want to let everyone know in advance that, due to work, January will probably be a free month.  Since I work too late most nights to create pages for Patreon, 99% of the content I create is done on Saturdays and Sundays.  So when I have to work weekends, it throws a major wrench into things.  Hopefully it will only be January, but I'm expecting January and February to be pretty hard months.  There is a small chance that I can create enough content over the holidays to carry me through, but if the work feels rushed,  I'd rather wait it out and give you my best work later.

As always, thank you for bearing with me as I try to meet all of my commitments.  The fact that so many of you have stuck around means a lot to me.

But for tonight, enjoy Qiaolian getting ready for work. 🤷‍♂️




Please don't work too hard over the holidays trying to create content for Patreon. Take the time off you need to relax and enjoy the holidays.


She looks awesome! 😍 There are so many potent symbols that enhance her sensuality. The glasses suggest she's intelligent, the gun and badge are symbols of her physical power, and the shirt open to her navel flaunts her sex appeal. Brains, physical power, and sexual power all working overtime in concert with each other!