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"....this is fine.... gak...  everything is fine...."
Okay, so enough teasers. Following Ashley's bar, the choices for the next match will be:

1) Kiva Martin vs Mia Pearson, 

2) Mia Pearson vs Erica Park

3) Erica Park vs Kiva Martin

I'm out of town right now, but when I get back, I will post a poll with some more details about the fighters.  I've got a lot of ideas for all three of these.  So I'm looking forward to seeing what you pick.




Is that a choke or a neck crank?


A little bit from column A, a little bit from column B.... For the moment, I think Erica is enjoying the control and watching Kristi suffer.


I will do it like my birdie, he picks mostly the grains. :-)