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Update (Aug 16th, 2023): I'm in the process of getting "The Return" ready for release on Lulu, and while I'm at I'm updating some of the pages, the text/text bubbles primarily.  I'll post updates like this as I progress so you can download the improved pages. __________________________________________________________________________________
Whelp...  That's another 129 pages under my belt. 😳  I was convinced this one was going to be shorter than "The Rookies", but it wound up being 2 pages longer.  It probably contains more images as well.

So, the next story WILL be shorter and features an impromptu, no referee match between Ashely Pierce and Stephanie Hawk at "Ashley's Barn".

Then, as Veronica Hyde announced, the next official PFF match will be based on a poll.  I'll put up a few characters who haven't fought yet and let you decide the matchup.




Can you smellllllll...what The Ego is cookin?


Great fight. Didn't think Blair would pull it off