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You would be responsible for doing tedious tasks that I do not enjoy, including but not limited to:

- Rendering layers from finalized scenes while I go fishing

- Screening anime for ones that I might enjoy

- Folding my laundry

You will be compensated with Arby's gift cards. 😋

Any takers? 😆



I can do screening anime


LMFAO! I need one too! The tedious work involved just in posting new art really can take the wind out of your sails.


For me, its the rendering. I wake up between 5 and 6 on Saturdays, excited to start creating scenes for everyone, and by about noon, I'm usually finished with posing and layouts. But then I spend the next 5-7 hour rendering layers. But people are probably tired of hearing me complain about that. So this will probably be the last time I mention it.... That is until I finally land myself a pair of RTX 3080s. Oh yeah! Everyone's gonna hear about that!


Wow! I know very little about 3D art and how its made. That sounds awful though. I feel for you.