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Saw this move posted on a Discord server and had to render it.

June's been a bit of a beast for me. Things haven't been going well at work. My company recently went through a round of layoffs, so moral is pretty low. I wish I could have said goodbye to some of them.... Some, were people who I spent a lot of time with in the trenches. Others were legends who I learned a lot from, and they deserved to retire on their own terms and enjoy all the pageantry that comes along with it. It's been weighing on my heart a bit.

But that brings me to another topic... I will be leaving my job around the middle of July this year. In 2015, I started working towards the goal of being able to leave full time work and focus more on art and life in general. I don't make a ton of money from Patreon, but is is enough to cover basic health insurance. So without all of you, this plan would've probably been delayed for another few years. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

I haven't had a lot of time to think through how my work on Patreon will change. However, I'm imagining more comics in parallel. I don't know if I'll have a weekly/monthly rotation or if it'll be a little bit ad hoc. I need to learn what's sustainable first.

But I'm thinking of starting a side-story the PFF involving amateur college fighters.

And I'm also thinking about starting more Fight Master vs. mode matches with a greater variety of characters. Maybe shorter, rapid-fire matches... Don't know yet. Once I can start experimenting, it'll be easier to decide.

That's all for now. Thank you for reading.




I can say from experience retirement is wonderful because of the freedom it gives you to pursue personally satisfying activities, so you've got something to look forward to, but I feel the sadness of you losing connections with cherished coworkers.


Being able to live while doing something you love is good for the soul. On the layoffs you mentioned...Corporations have no souls sadly...everyone is simply a number...I hope you get to stay in touch with the friends who had to leave... And finally...wishing you good luck as you approach the next stage of your life journey :)


> Corporations have no souls sadly...everyone is simply a number... B-b-b-but, they brought a stress relief dog into the office. Thank you Duck!