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so im looking for someone who can gimme the guide on how to watch gintama, like when people told me to react to the ending song before the start of the benizakura arc, or to watch the episodical version instead of the movie, etc.

the youtube comments usually try their best to tell me but because they are so far behind those comments always end up too late

thats why i want either for someone to hit me up whenever there is a "special occassion" or if anyone can just write down the full guide in the comments

id reeeeeeaaally appreciate it🙏



Starting from the last watched episodes (67), the watch order isn't bad from here. You'll continue just watching the normal episodes in order. From 67-201 which is the last Ep of 4:3 ratio Gintama before Ep202 starts, which is when it becomes full screen. Continue watching normally 202-265, and after 265 then you watch the second movie "Be Forever Yoruzuya". After the second movie, you'll need to make a choice, but not right away. You can watch 266-299, and there's even a Love potion OVA that's essentially 2 Episodes you can watch after 299 if you're up for it. Then the choice comes, you can either continue to watch in order and just continue through the series to 367 then the 2 semi final episodes and the final movie OR you could watch episodes 329-341 (Stop before 342) THEN watch 300-328 and 342-367, Semi Final then Final movie. For the choice, it's really just how you want to watch the series, 329-341 are mostly comedy episodes, and 300-328 is some of the most serious arcs in the series. 329-341 are also manga cannon before 300, so it's not an issue to skip to them then go back, just depends if you want a comedy break after the serious/hype arcs or just continue the hype. Personally my watch was in order, but if I could relive that with the knowledge I have now, I'd have done the skip then go back to watch 300-328 to 342-End. For you comment on endings, I don't think any of them are super necessary, but I'd say ED 17 Samurai Heart (Starts on Ep 202) and ED 25 Glorious Days, technically it starts on like 292, but watch it when you're watching 304. Those are probably the most plot heavy EDs, Maybe ED 29 also (Starts on 342), but not required, a good trip down memory lane. Most EDs aren't like super plot relevant, though there is definitely some good songs if you're looking for good music! Oh, also ED 26 IS PLOT RELEVANT OR AT LEAST IT IS TO ME, STARTS ON 305. Oh also, not like plot relevant, but you may want to watch the new Ending that starts on Episode 76 for shirtless Gintoki(And many other guys as well). I think that's everything, went a bit overboard, and can elaborate the closer you get to things, but still some things to consider for the far far far future.

Erik Morrington

I was surprised no one told you to skip the epilogue of the movie which includes characters from future episodes. No wonder you were confused. And I don't think you need any guidance in the near future, apart from the arcs if you want to watch them in one sitting. Maybe you'll wanna know about couple of mid fillers (there are good ones too). The OPs and EDs are worth watching right away. They don't spoil things like Naruto and Bleach do, only hype you up a bit.