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Hello guys, I know I've been very quiet and I hate to disappoint you guys but everything keeps getting in my way like I got strep throat which lasted just over 2 weeks then I get back logged with work when I get sick so I can't get any patreon work done, don't worry, If I don't get the next page out by the end of the month, I will pause billing for next month but I will try of course. I think I'll do a poll for where to take the story or to pull some ideas. As always thank you for the support! :)


Michael (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-25 19:46:50 I know what you mean, this past year has been wild. Hope things get easier for you. :) <3
2023-02-21 17:53:36 I know what you mean, this past year has been wild. Hope things get easier for you. :) <3

I know what you mean, this past year has been wild. Hope things get easier for you. :) <3


take your time man, life is just throwing a curve ball right now. hope you start feeling better soon!!