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A few changes in my Patreon from now on

TL;DR I´ll start posting comics here, update some rewards and adding a new tier.

Hey everyone,

I want to thank you for supporting me on this platform, so I can make better stuff for you all. So, in order to update the content. I just realized you are 300 patrons supporting my work, so thank you soo much in believing in me and supporting me on my work.

Also I want to tell you that I'm planning on making some adjustments to the tiers, presentation and some of the goals that I want to achieve.

Since my beginnings I have been making most of my living through my day job, this part time job on Patreon and commissions. Starting from 2020, I´m no longer working at my day job, which has been a huge improvement on my life quality and stress levels compared to the past 10 years.

With me finally having the time to develop myself as an artist full time, I last year started my Franko webcomic, which can be read over here: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/franko

Since it’s SFW focused, Franko also has his own Patreon over here: https://www.patreon.com/frankothelion/

Besides Franko, I have been working on more NSFW comic scripts for this Patreon! I'd now like to tell you a bit more about the name and nature of the comics that I’ll be working on from now on.

1. Tyrsegald Chronicles: This new series will be set up in a Norse-themed world, but with a lot of creative freedom on my side. It doesn’t aim to be realistic, historically- or even culturally accurate at all, but I want to catch the colors and mood of a Norse setting. This comic will be composed of several short stories, all circling around Tyrsegald, some of them starring different characters. These short stories will together tell a bigger, overarching story. I plan on making them by chapters of up to 24 pages each, but some could have less pages, depending on the script. The first story will feature Davin, a deer who wants to be noticed by Tyrsegald in a very unusual contest. I´m planning on starting to post this one from march-april 2021.

2.- I´m currently working on a 15 (or so) page comic featuring Lucario and Cinderace, wich will feature a lot horny stuff from these 2 dudes. I hope you enjoy it, and I can say I´ll start uploading it from the first week of february 2021.

3.  After I´m done with the Lucario and Cinderace comic I want to start working on short comics featuring dragons, tigers and the other usual species I enjoy working on. These won’t be very story focused and will mainly be a fun way of drawing porn. I’ll be aiming these at $5 patrons and above. The first one will feature both Bluey and Phobos. So yeah, expect some more dragon action from them.

As for my Patreon goals, I have changed them to instead be based on my numbers of patrons and have added in a few more!

Tier wise, here are some details on that which will be upgraded and clarified.

$1 tier: It´ll stay pretty much the same, with all patrons of this tier receiving web resolution comic pages 1 month before I start posting them elsewhere online.

$5 tier: The same as above, with the following added content.

- Access to comic lineart.
 - Any $5 artpack I release from now on

$10 tier: The same as above, with the following added content.

- Access to Hi resolutions of my comic pages.
 - Any $10 artpack I release from now on

$20 tier: The same as above, with the following added content.

- Videos of my painting and comic progress, which will be sent out at the end of each month via a Dropbox link. These videos will be made available for all my pics today and onwards. During this year I will also be creating a folder containing all of the previous videos from mid 2018 till now. It might take a while but it´ll be worth it ;D

$50 tier: A brand new tier that will contain the same as above, with the following added content.

- Photoshop (PSD) files of the  illustrations and comics pages I do during the month you pledged, which will be sent out at the end of each month via a Dropbox link. This will allow anyone interested to get a better understanding of how I work and the different layers I tend to use.

-This tier will be ready by february 2021.

$100 tier will get all of the above.

Finally, I´ll be updating the visual design of this Patreon, adding a new banner and graphics that showcase my illustrations and comics in a better way. As part of this, I will finally be adding unique icons for each tier!

How will this new workload affect updates?
Well, since comics are a lot more time consuming to do, I plan on cutting a couple of monthly pinups in exchange for 2-3 colored comic pages per month. Right now, I’m really motivated and inspired to meet a quota of 4 pages per month, but if I ever run into issues, I’ll try to fill the space with some other illustrations. Also, from now on, my “Character of the month” illustrations will be limited to max 2 characters. This way, I will be able to do at least 1-2 characters voted by you, 3 original pinups and 4 comic pages.

If more patrons join here, it would allow me to free up time that’d otherwise be destined for public commissions. I could use this extra time to work on a bit more personal content. To be clear, I still intend to do public commission work, just not at the same pace as before.

When are you gonna start posting comics?
The first comic, featuring Lucario and Cinderace, will start to be posted for $5 tiers patrons and above, as lineart and sketch from the first days of february. And the final art will be ready by the end of the first week of february 2021.

That´s all for now and thank you for your support.




I am really excited for those comics. They all look really interesting!


Felicidades y mucha suerte con tus comics! :D

Daddy Bearcat

Awesome! You had me at, "Schlop, schlop!"


Yay! More Bluey and Phobos action! <3